Chapter Eight

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"El!" I scream from the bedroom. She opens the bathroom door dripping wet with just a towel to cover her. Sometimes I let her shower alone... sometimes. I just can't help being all over her when we shower together. We aren't necessarily trying for another baby, but we aren't using protection either. I wouldn't mind another baby but it's mainly because I'm tired of condoms.

The older Elliot gets, the more sensuous she becomes to me. After having Camden, her body filled in certain areas. Her hips are wider, and her breasts are juicier. She calls it mommy fat, but I think she is so gorgeous. Plus, the feeling of being inside of her raw drives me insane.

"Yes?" She answers, slowly walking towards me. Her towel falls to the ground, and she stands in front of me in all her glory. Her curly brown hair cascades down the side of her chest past her perfectly round breast. Her nipples get a whiff of the air and perk up.

I sit up on the edge of the bed and grab hold of her waist, pulling her naked caramel body between my legs. I look up at her and place my chin right between her breasts. The scent of cocoa butter invades my nose and I sigh against her.

"What's wrong?" I hear her melodious voice break through my thoughts as her fingers comb through the strands of my hair. I begin to leave butterfly kisses down her body until I reach her navel. A smile rises on my face, and I caress her lower abdomen.

"I miss them being so small," I whisper. After Cam, we needed a break from having any more kids. While we were both working in the school system we didn't have much income, so raising two kids was hard. We struggled for a fair amount of time because I used the trust money my parents gave to my sister and I when we turned 18 to buy this house. Things were hard until I started training with Roger, and later working for him.

"I miss your baby bump and the feeling of a life growing inside you." I know she feels the same. She's expressed many times that she missed our babies being younger. I know that's why Elliot takes longer and longer each night to say goodnight to each of our kids. It's as if she thinks they'll just grow into adults' overnight.

With Adelaide, she did basically grow up overnight when she started her period for the first time. So I guess I understand her fear. I miss having a newborn in general. Their first word, their first steps, that new baby smell, and counting their adorable tiny toes and fingers.

She raises my chin with her finger to look up at her. "Soo... let's try." My eyes meet hers, questioning if she's being serious. I start to grin as if I've just won the lottery or got a piece of candy. Gripping both of her hips, I flip her naked body onto the bed.

"Alex!" she screams. I pin her hands above her head and start kissing down her neck. She moans and starts to giggle as my tongue tickles her skin. "Baby?" I hummed a response, not paying attention to anything but her body. "Are we trying right now?"

"Mhmm." My tongue travels down to her stomach, kissing her abdomen repeatedly. As if sprinkling baby dust all over it. I raise myself off of her, undoing the belt on my slacks.

"We have work in an hour," she whines.

The throbbing of my member against my zipper is too much to wait until later. "Well, let's make this quick then."

She giggles and hurries onto her feet to undress my work clothes.


I ended up being late to work, but whatever, it was worth it. Let's just say I put in a lot of work to make another baby. I fix my collar and walk into the building. Dean and Jones are standing in front of a laptop, talking about our next target.

"What do we have?" I say as Dean tosses a water bottle my way. Jones and Dean are I.T. men that can find anyone on this earth with the technology on their device called Optic Globe. It can hack any technology that uses a camera in under five minutes. We use it to locate people anywhere in the world. Mainly to find the targets that the agency we work for sends our way.

"Hector Garcia. What do you know?" Jones says.

"Nothing yet." I grab the file Dean hands me." From his file, he seems like a random Joe. "What does the agency want with him?" I question, and they both shrug. My work is not very pleasant, which is why Elliot does not like it.

When Elliot's dumb ass ex kidnaped her, my whole mindset changed when it came to the meaning of 'protecting your family'. I contacted Roger, and he put in a good word for me with the intelligence agency. I trained with their team, while I continued to work as a guidance counselor and finishing my master's degree.

I got stronger, trained in weapons and combat. I vowed to myself that no one would ever come close to harming my family again. I ended up enjoying the job, so after completing the training and receiving my master's degree in psychology, I stayed at the agency.

By using my psychology training, I am able to get into the minds of our targets. Find the things that they love the most and tear them apart with it. It sounds callous, but I think it's an exceptional job. Plus I earn great money to spoil Elli because lord knows she is a shopaholic.

The blur of a blade coming towards me in the corner of my eye withdraws me from my thoughts. Just before the edge perforates my carotid arteries, I offset my weight and grab the wrist holding the knife. As I bend his arm back, I kick his legs from under him, causing his body to slam against the ground.

I snatch the blade out of his hand, kneeling on his chest and pressing it against his Adam's apple. "Heard you were late," Roger says under my grasp.

"Yeah, well sometimes there are more important things in life," I smirk.

He gives me the same crooked smile back. "Like what? Banging that sexy ass wife of yours." Cautiously I press the blade further into his skin as a warning. Small drops of blood begin to roll down his neck. The smug smirk never leaves his face, and I can't help but laugh at his wicked ways.

"Watch yourself," I say, removing my blade and grabbing his arm to help lift him up. "Don't want Tracy hearing about your crush on my wife."

"Would you think I'm lying if I said she has one too?" I roll my eyes. I know she does. I see it all over her face when they are together. El just isn't interested.

"Sorry, I don't share."

"Oh, we don't want you, just her," he smirks while walking away as Dean and Jones chuckle from the sideline. I flip the blade in the air, and with one swift motion, toss it hard in a spinning cycle towards his head.

I know I'm quick, but I give Roger props. He's a lot faster than I am. He turns at the right moment and catches the blade by the handle. Both of the guy's gasp. Roger looks pissed, and I'm happy.

"You're lucky you're like my brother Reed. Family doesn't hurt family," he says, tossing the blade onto a nearby table, still smiling. It takes a lot to make this guy upset.

"They also don't try to bang each other's wives." We both start laughing.

"Oh, you couldn't catch my wife," he says. I give him a mischievous look knowing damn well Elliot would kill me if I ever tried to sleep with another woman, unless she was involved in sleeping with them as well. But Tracey is not someone she's interested in, I know my wife.

"Wanna bet?" he stops smiling and thinks about it for a second.

"Nah, I'm good," he says, admitting defeat. I know he doesn't want to bet because if we're comparing whose dick's bigger... we both know who'll win. Elliot and Tracey talk way too much about their sex lives around us.

We drop the subject and get back to work on how to capture our next target alive. Once he's alive and tied up, then I come in to extract the information needed.

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