We're Not Gonna Make It

Start from the beginning

"Shut up, Ray, I'm talking. And Mom will be at her church thing and Dad's still out of town so I need actual quiet time with Pete Wentz, okay?"

"Wait, but can you two not have sex in my house? Because that happened once and then my mom asked if I was gay."


"Sorry, sorry." Ray went back to tuning his guitar. Frank sat in one of the plastic school chairs listening to Mikey yell rules at him while Gerard was smoking and drawing on the whiteboard.

"I thought we came here to practice like we told the school we would, not talk about you and your boyfriend," Gerard said, pulling his cigarette out of his mouth and blowing smoke over at his brother.

"And I thought that you couldn't smoke in the band room, but here you are," Mikey snapped, grabbing his bass that was leaning against the piano. He had arranged with the principal that their "band" - My Chemical Romance - could practice in the school's band room after hours. Quite frankly, the principal didn't care because it got Frank Iero out of detention and Gerard Way out of trying to get into the detention room to be with Frank.

Gerard flipped his brother off as he stepped away from the whiteboard, a black Expo marker in his hand. He motioned to the picture on the board: a woman and a man inches away from kissing, splattered in blood (emphasized by a red marker). Frank whistled, looking at the drawing.

"I think if we ever have an actual album, I want this to be the cover for it. Y'know, tragic but romantic."

Mikey rolled his eyes, placing the bass on his lap and looking at the drawing.

"Like we're going to make it that far? You can barely make out time for this practice. And your boyfriend can barely concentrate long enough to play seven chords on his damn guitar."

Frank stuck his tongue out at Mikey, strolling over to where he had placed his guitar. Gerard put a hand on his hip, blowing smoke out of his mouth again.

"We'll make it, so fuck off Mikey. Plus, you can barely concentrate long enough to ask Pete Wentz out."

* * *

"I take it your brother isn't having sex in the kitchen then?" Pete joked as he entered the Way household. Mikey closed the door, nervously laughing.

"Thank God, no."

"Hey, can I smoke?" Pete asked, pulling a cigarette and a lighter out of his pocket and raising an eyebrow.

"Uh - outside. C'mon, I'll take you to the backyard."

Mikey lead Pete to his less-than-amazing backyard, which was basically an inflatable pool and a few (almost dead) rose bushes. Mikey had to make a note of working on the backyard landscaping before Pete came over again.

"I like your taste," Pete said as he lit a cigarette and motioned to the rose bushes. He leaned against the house, taking a drag.

"Oh, yeah, I guess my family should keep their backyard better looking." Mikey mentally slapped himself.

Pete blew the smoke from his mouth, holding his cigarette out to Mikey.

"Uh - um - I don't smoke, sorry," Mikey said, biting the inside of his cheek.

"I guessed so," Pete laughed, putting it back in his mouth. "Hey are you really in a band?"

"Ah, yeah. We practice in the music room sometimes." Mikey paused. "Why?"

"Because I'm in a band. Or, will be. Once I learn how to play my fucking bass." Pete threw his cigarette on the ground, stamping it out with his foot. "Which we should probably get going with, Way."

* * *

"No, no you're playing the E chord now," Mikey re-positioned Pete's fingers.

"Gonna keep touching me, Way?" Pete smirked. Mikey pulled his hands back, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"Uh, uh no. No," Mikey reassured him. Pete laughed.

"It's alright, I kinda like it."

"You like anyone who touches you, Pete," Mikey said, remembering what Frank had said. Pete leaned back on the couch, placing his bass in his lap. He looked at Mikey, studying the lanky, younger Way brother.

"Who told you that? Maybe I like it more when you do it," Pete suggested, raising his eyebrows. Mikey picked at a thread in his jeans. He had to remember what Frank had said. What everyone said about Pete Wentz.

"You don't like people, Pete. You like them long enough to get sex out of them."

"Not true...sometimes it's just a blow-job," Pete pointed out. Mikey gave him a disapproving look.

"See what I mean? You...you don't really develop feelings."

In all of the years that Pete had pulled moves on people - male and female - nobody had ever said that to him. And it hurt. Not necessarily the words, he knew that he was a hard person. But it was the fact that it came from Mikey Way. Everyone knew that Mikey tried to be nice to people, to tell them that they were doing their best. And here was the same boy, sitting on a couch, teaching Pete to play bass, telling him that he was practically using people for sex.

"I - I'm sorry. I'm sorry," Mikey followed up, realizing the look he'd placed in Pete's eyes. Pete set his bass aside, running a hand through his usually-neat hair. He got closer to Mikey, making Mikey tense up.

Pete placed both hands on the sides of Mikey's face, looking into the younger boy's brown eyes. But Mikey didn't move. Mikey wanted to move, he could practically hear Frank droning on and on about how bad Pete Wentz is. But he didn't know if he wanted to listen to Frank.

Especially when Mikey felt lips on his own. It wasn't like the peck at the door, it was bigger - better than that. Mikey didn't really know how to respond, he'd never kissed anyone before. He didn't want to seem like a lifeless log though, so he did what he thought was kissing back. It was alright, really.

Mikey could feel Pete smile in the kiss. Pete knew Mikey Way was new to this. He didn't care if Mikey didn't have a damn clue about what he was doing, his mind was only thinking about how he was kissing Mikey Way. And how he wasn't doing it to crawl into bed with anyone. He pulled away, taking his hands from Mikey's face.

"I...I should probably go now, huh?" Pete grabbed his bass, heading for the door. Mikey wanted to tell him to stay, but he was still in shock. "Oh, and Mikey, I'll work on the E chord."

Pete smiled at Mikey as he walked out of the house, leaving an extremely confused and love-sick Mikey Way sitting on the couch.
a/n: i know i haven't updated in an eternity. i apologize. and i think i have a plot in mind now, so i hope you enjoyed this chapter of over 1,700 words. you're welcome. also thanK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO'S VOTED AND COMMENTED I LOVE ALL OF YOU. you all get cats.

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