oo3. so the danger begins

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The ragtag team of vigilantes, plus Daisy and Stick, stood near the window. Observing. Silence was unnerving, especially when Daisy, Matt and Stick had difficulty placing what they heard. There only blue being a van with its lights on. Electricity was all they could feel, and the slight hints of life.

The Hand were talented people. The wrong side, but talented. They knew how to hide. They knew what to hide from. They were powerful. They were smart.

"How'd they find us?" Luke Cage asked, holding the blinds apart as he started into the cold, rainy streets. His breath fogging the glass a little.

"It was a matter of time."

"They're killing my head." Daisy muttered, placing her fingers to her temples, gently rubbing circles on the skin as she closed her eyes. Having overactive senses caused headaches.

"Who's inside."

"Guns." Daisy spoke, hearing the sound echo around her head. Her hands shadowed her ears, ready to place pressure when the noise got to much. "Loaded."

"How about the woman with the swords?"

"I don't know. I can't . . . I can't tell." Matt answered, leaning forward as he concentrated. He blocked out the loud beats of the hearts around him, including the faint one of the teenager.

In all the while he and known Daisy, he had never known her heart beat to change. She was practically stone cold, barely hanging on. Matt feared Stick had more affect on her then she knew. There was no way a child could be this unaffected, and for that matt would always feel guilty for never stopping her. Maybe he could have given her a life, a sense of security and a home.

Foggy would have loved her. Matt believed she was a good person. Karen would have no problem with her. On top of it all Blair would mother the girl like there was no tomorrow.

But like many complications in life, there was little to no proof Daisy was in the world, and everything that proved her to be alive kept her attached to a man who was draining her being.

Daisy was a sweet little girl when she wasn't in pain or overwhelmed or practically dying. If Matt could, he'd take her in in a heart beat. He'd change her world, give her a chance at a normal life. He'd teach her everything he wished Stick taught him. And unlike Stick, he'd love her. Daisy was just a girl. She was just a girl with no hope left in her body and a strong craving to be loved.

Stick cared for the girl, in the same way he cared for a weapon. Unlike Matt and Elektra, Daisy wasn't lucky enough to be seen as a person.

Unlike Matt, Stick didn't have an ounce of interest on the girl, on his latest weapon. Instead, he sniffed the air. "Well, I'll be goddamned."

"This wouldn't be my first choice, but I am a sucker for fortune cookies." Each of the makeshift team turned around. "You know I thought it would be a good idea if we all talked this over, like adults." The lady spoke, adjusting the shoulders of her jacket. Anytime she spoke, Daisy couldn't help he be curious how someone could be so wrong, so mean. Alexandra had a habit of making the girl question people's sanity.

Stick was the first to walk forward, the guts of the group following behind with a few cautious steps and Daisy kept still a groan escaping her lips. "What do you want?"

"You surprise me, Stick. You've become so resourceful in your age."

"What a wise old man." Daisy muttered, stepping forward to be in line with at least one adult.

Stick ignored her. He often ignored her remarks, especially on the days she was filled with aggravation. "What have you become in yours?"

"Determined." She stepped around Stick, towards the group of back ups (as far as the child was concerned). "Mr. Rand, I'm sorry your exit from our meeting was so abrupt."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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