"Trying to get up on the flyboard." Tom replied as Mille continued to lean over the edge of the boat watching as Max made her another attempt to try and get the board to balance on the water.

"I give up." Max yelled as he slammed his hands over the water in frustration after falling yet again.

"Let me try." The Young girl shouted down before getting up to make her way down to the water.


That evening they returned back to the house and decided to have dinner at home. There was pizza oven in the back of the garden and the three girls offered to make dinner for everyone.

"I'm gonna go get changed first and then we'll start." Millie explained as the three girls left the groceries ok the counter.

Both Savannah and Jennie had gotten changed earlier when they first came back to the house but Millie decided to wait as she wanted to shower to get the layers of sun cream off her skin.

"I want that shirt back." Max said as Millie walked into the front hall towards the stairs

After not being able to find her own cover up on the boat earlier, she decided to steal Max's shirt and wear it instead on the way to the shop.

"Yeh, yeh. I know." Millie replied as she walked up the stairs waving him off.

"I'm serious." Max told her as he started following her upstairs.

"I know." The brown haired girl spoke as she reached the top of the stairs.

The shower in the en suite of Lando and Max's room was running as the pair reached the upstairs landing letting them know that Lando went for a shower.

Max turned and headed into his room while Millie walked into her own. The sight of someone ruffling through her things caught her by surprise.

"Hello? Can I help you?" Millie asked crossing her arms over her chest.

"Oh sorry. Lando said-." The girl spoke in a Portuguese accent.

"Millie? What's wrong?" Max wondered coming to stand next to the brown haired girl before looking into her room and seeing the other girl. "Luisa."

"Hi Max." The stranger said with a smile.

"What's going on here?" Millie asked looking between the pair. "You know her?"

"Well-." Max started to day before he was cut off

"What's wrong?" Lando questioned as he appeared with a towel around his neck and a pair of shorts on.

"I was wondering the same thing." Millie wondered crossing her arms and looking at Max.

"Did you find it Luisa?" Lando spoke looking passed his two best friends and into the Portuguese girl.

"No." She shook her head in reply.

"Wait. What?" Millie said feeling even more confused now. "I'm so confused. What's going on?"

"Hi. I'm Luisa. Lando's girlfriend." The girl in Millie's room spoke as she stepped forward and held her hand out in Millie's direction.

"You're what?" Millie exclaimed turning to look at Lando and then things started to make sense. "Oh my god."

"What?" Max wondered looking at her.

"You knew her name. And she knew yours. You knew about this." Millie said putting her finger in Max's direction. "You both lied to me. We're best friends, both of you, and you lied to me."

"Millie I-." Lando started but Millie just held her hand up to stop him.

"Don't. I'm out of here. I can't stand and look at you two after you lied to my face." Millie spoke before quickly making her way downstairs and our the front door, slamming it behind her catching everyone's attention.

"What's going on?" Tom wondered from the bottom of the stairs looking up at Lando and Max.

"Millie met Luisa." Max said simply looking between Tom and Lando before heading downstairs and towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Lando called after him.

"To find her. Which is where you should be going. I told you. I warned you that this wasn't gonna end well but you didn't listen. Now look at things." Max finished before heading out the door in search of Millie.


Thoughts everyone? Luisa's officially in the story now. I had this idea of how they met in my head and here it is.

I have nothing against Lando and Luisa before anyone jumps down my throat. I think they're so cute and I have honestly never seen Lando so happy so I'm happy for them.

This is all just for a the story and it'll get better as it goes on


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