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It was a stunning day in Mystic Falls in summer 1849. I suggested my brother Damon and I going out in the garden to play. I was now an adult. I had just turned 18. Damon was 8. We were allowed to go out and play. We were chasing each other for hours.

-"Hahaa,you can't catch me."

-"Watch me kid"

We were laughing and running without getting tired.

Suddenly, Damon fell and scratched his leg.

-"Ouch....my leg. Sister,please help me!"

What was happening.....I felt my blood boiling inside my body and my skin burning from inside out. It hadn't been a few days since I turned into a vampire.

Damon was bleeding and all I could think about was that blood.... I fought with myself to keep it back and not eat from him ,so all I could do was help him and carry him inside. There, I took care of his wound and put him in his bed.

-"Here. How is your wound?"

-"Better. Thank you, Stephanie!"

I walked out of his room,closed the heavy wooden door and walked down the stairs. Meanwhile, I was trying to reach Katherine. I had to ask her a lot of things about what I was.... But Katherine had just disappeared from the sight of earth. And i had so many questions....

In the afternoon, we ate all together as a family. The meal was delicious. Right after this, Damon and I went upstairs to my bedroom to play a card game I made myself. I was so bored, I left him alone,grabbed a book and went out in the garden to read it.

At the same time, all I could think about was blood.... I knew I was hungry.... But I had to fight those cravings ...no matter what.....

At about half-past eight of the same night,the dark heavy night had already fallen and my need for blood got so intense and vicious i couldn't resist it anymore.... So I ran fast to the woods and roamed around like a freak..... Thirty minutes later a heard something for a little far away. There was a man taking his regular walk in the woods.... I sneaked up on him.

-"Hello sir. My...leg...it's hurt. I tripped on a bunch of branches some miles past and now the pain is not affordable. Would you mind giving me a hand?"

-"Poor young lady.Umm....Sure,here."

As he was getting closer I could feel his blood running through his veins.... The feeling was irresistible..... His heart was pumping in a scared man's tempo..... God......what on the sake of hell was I.

Helpless as I was, i attacked him. Sharp teeth grew on my mouth and plump veins all over my eyes..... I slit open his carotid artery..... I let myself in ...... He tasted so good as I sipped his blood without feeling surrounded by anything. A couple of moments later, I realized he was dead. I dropped him on the ground realizing what I had just done...... I killed a man...... But the cravings got a voice and told me to go find another one to drain of blood.....

By the end of the night , I had killed 11 people......i was so full and also powerful. As I was draining the last body of blood I heard footsteps ...... I turned around and i saw my father standing behind me....

-"My daughter...... She's one of them..."

-"No father....it's not what you think ..."

-"My daughter....a monster....Have I RAISED YOU to become like this? Answer Stephanie!!"

I was not scared .... But I felt guilty.

-"Father let me explain...."

-"Pack...your.... belongings...and go. An abomination of nature can not live under the same roof next to this family...."

-"But father...."

-"Go...before I give you away to the council."

I said nothing....my own...father told me to leave.... I no longer cared about him. All I cared about was Damon.....Should I take him with me? I can't live without him... He's my blood...my brother...my family. I adore him. But like everybody says.... I am a monster....and i hurt people....11 men in one night.... not a small number....

I could not live with the idea of Damon thinking i left him. So I ran to his room, grabbed him by the shoulders, looked him in the eye and said:

"I hope you forgive me for this....I'm not doing this purposely....i am forced to....I'm leaving you.... I am a vampire....father found out,and he demands me leaving... So will I. But remember this.... I loved you, love you and always will.... Forget about me....every moment we've spent together... good and bad....all of it.......... Until we meet again.......little Brother"

My heart broke into a thousand pieces when I finished my words..... Damon was my heart and soul...

I went downstairs ready to kiss my mother goodbye....

-"Do not touch her.... Go!"

A tear dropped and i left my house. Where would I go? I know nobody... Where will i spend the night..? I messed up.....

I knocked some doors on my lost way to the unknown.... I either got no answers or they just shut the door to my face.

I spent the night out in the woods.... I had no sleep. And when the sun rised, I took the central road and started going. I did not know where ......

After hours of walking a tag was saying "New Orleans-5 miles away". I was saved . Thirty minutes later, I entered the city.

New Orleans.....a dream. A dream of dreams. A city that came from another galaxy. So beautiful and a million steps front from the rest of the states. Those huge parades every day on the streets. So fascinating......

Most known monument of this place was it's...cemetery. Yes,the cemetery. An architecture that was nowhere else to be found. And saint Anne's church....So gorgeous.

I finally found somewhere to stay after my arrival in there. I stayed in a hotel and because of the fact i had no pennies on me left, I compelled the receptionist to let me stay for free.

Strange to mention though, that everybody in the city was taking about a very strong family with the name "Mikaelson".

Who were they? And why were they strong?

I had to know ....

I wanted ......to know!

After some weeks I found my resources and learned that they were vampires... The original....vampires. The first of the firsts. The "Originals".

And as the time passed i got to know so much more for them!

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