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"Hmm? Who's this?"

"Tae, open the fucking door. I'm standing here since the last half an hour. I swear to God, I need your house's spare key as well. It's just not fair that you have it and I don't."

"What you... I..." The words die down and are replaced by the soft snoring of the person on the line, to which Jimin curses loudly.

Thinking for a while about how to wake the devil up, he comes up with something really stupid.


"What the fuck? Where is he? What happened? That darn pabo! I'm coming right now. Wait for me..." Taehyung's rushed words and immediate shuffling of the blankets has the older laughing at the subconscious protectiveness of his TaeTae.

After a few seconds, a half asleep figure clad in black hoodie and absolutely wrinkled beige pants rushes past the door in hurry without noticing the beautiful man leaning leisurely beside, on the wall.

"Hold up, hold up, Superman! Your Park Jimin is absolutely alright." The said man catches the brunette by his hoodie cap, stopping him from proceeding further. Taehyung tumbles backwards at the abrupt stopping of his momentum and falls right onto the older's chest.

"Ouch... How come you look so lean but have such heavy weight?" Jimin snakes his arms around his waist from behind and speaks with surprise next to his ears.

"What the hell, Jiminah. I almost had my heart in my mouth when I heard that you are hurt." He says with a pout and concern prominent in his voice.

Jimin keeps his chin onto his shoulder cutely and apologies for the false alarm while Taehyung sulks for a good while.

"Why did you come so early anyway? That too on a Sunday." Taehyung asks as they walk into his house and Jimin goes go get himself and the brunette some coffee.

"You had been so busy these past weeks and you don't even let me take extra burden. So I thought, why not help ourselves with a detox."


"Mhm. Let's go watch the plum blossom blooms. As per the forecast, they have reached our city. It'll be an awesome day out away from our busy schedules. What do you say?" The older chirps with twinkling eyes as he hands the brunette his coffee over the kitchen's countertop.

Taehyung, who was enjoying the little movements of the shorter male, leaning his face into his palm with his elbow resting on the granite top, smiles at the endearing human being in front of him. He was whole heartedly thankful to God that his Chim was all happy and fine now. And he will do everything in his power to keep it the same.

"Don't just smile there like a clown. Say something."

"Why watch the plum blossoms when I can always watch you!" He winks.

"Aaish! Such a cheesy simp you are." Jimin hides his blushing face with his light blue sweater paws and Taehyung laughs heartily at the reaction.

"Okay then. As you wish. Let's go wander in the wilderness of your blossoms."

"Yeah, Shakespeare's ancestor, go get ready. I've already prepared everything in my car. You freshen up and then we'll leave."

"Give me five minutes. I'll be back." Taehyung quickly gulps his coffee, bottoms up, and leaves for his room after giving a chaste kiss on Jimin's red cheeks, conveniently colouring them a shade darker.

"Five minutes? More like five hours. I just don't understand whatever you do in the shower for so long." Jimin mumbles into his cup, shaking his head, when the brunette is gone.

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