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A/N: Please Vote!

I come to the surface of the water, gasping for air. I see Caroline resting all of her weight on one leg, jutting her hip out with her arms crossed, smirking. It looked like the whole party was now by the pool.

"Caroline I-" I push my wet hair out of my face and look at her with shock. 

"You what?" She comes to the edge of the pool and I quickly grab her leg causing her to fall into the pool beside me. She makes a big splash then shortly comes up for air, a gurgling growl coming from the back of her throat. 

"YOU LITTLE BITCH!" She thrashes towards me and grabs my shoulders, pushing me down underwater. I do the same to her and we pull each others hair, our legs tangling together to keep each other down.

The crowd surrounding us calls one or the others names, encouraging us to win. I hear two more splashes enter the pool and was soon brought back into a chest by my waist.

"Let me go!" I squirm, trying to get out of this persons tight grip.

"Let me go! I want to finish this bitch!" I hear Caroline splash and yell, the crowd going wild by her words. I was pulled out of the pool and see that it was Tristan who pulled me out.

"I was handling that just fine on my own!" I tell him, shrugging him off of me.

"I'm sure you would have won, too." He smiles down at me, bringing a towel around my shoulders as he walks me away from the pool.  

"I'm sorry, thank you." I feel guilty for yelling at him now. 

"Come on, lets get you home." He rests his hand on the small of my back and leads me inside and out to his car on the street.

He opens the passenger door for me and I giggle, "A gentleman at his finest." He chuckles and bows jokingly. He asks my address and when we get to my street I notice a car in the driveway. But not just any car, my Fathers car. The one that was supposed to still be gone.

"Oh my God." I gasp flinging open the car door.

"What? Whats wrong?!" Tristan sticks his head over the passenger seat, looking at me with confused eyes through the open window.

"You need to get out of here." I look at my surroundings, making sure my Father wasn't around.

"Ada I'm not going to leave you. Whats happening? Your face is pale." He protests, unbuckling his seat belt. I shake my head vigorously then reach back in the car and put it back on for him.

"I will explain later, please, go." I say as sternly as I could muster up in my scared, shaking body. He looked a little unsure but eventually sighed and nodded his head, putting the car in "drive". I close the passenger door and he drives off. I tug the towel closer around my shoulders and hesitantly open my front door.

"I came home to find you weren't home. I wanted to surprise you with me being home early." I come face to face with my Father.

"I-I'm sorry S-sir. I was over at my friends house and we were just swimming, I lost track of time. It wont happen again." He nods then raises his hand, swinging it across my face. My body hits the white tile with a thud. I touch my cheek and flinch at the touch of a bleeding wound. His ring had left its mark across my cheek.

"Stop making so many careless decisions Adabelle!" He yells, kicking my stomach as soon as I attempt to get up.

"You are so worthless, just like your mother. Damn right this wont happen again." He crouches down to my level and forces me to look into his stone cold eyes. He evilly chuckles before sending one more hard blow to the same cheek he left a gash in, causing everything to blurr before going completely black.


beep - beep - beep - beep - beep - beep - beep

I haven't opened my eyes, and I didn't want to. I felt drained. emotionally and physically. My body hurts, why does it hurt? 

I rest my hand on my forehead and feel water. Why do I feel water? No, it feels sticky. Am I sweating? Where am I? 

I flutter my eyes open, adjusting to the light of the white and blue room. Was I in a hospital? I look to my right and find a few chairs, a man sitting in one of them with his head in the palms of his hands.

"Wha-" My throat swells up and I start having a coughing attack.

"Nurse! Help!" My Father was the man in the chair. The man pretending to care. 

A nurse comes rushing in with a cup of water and helps me sit up so that I can clear my throat.

"You scared me, Darling." My Father says, glancing at the nurse then back at me. He walks over to me and awkwardly hugs me. I flinch when he comes near me and remember the last time he hugged me, the last time I was in the hospital.

"How long have I been out?" I ask directing my attention to the nurse.

"One day." She informs, looking at a clipboard that was placed at the end of my hospital bed. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair, nodding.

"You had a big gash in your cheek that needed 42 stitches, it's healing pretty well. 3 of your ribs are majorly fractured due to hitting the steps during your fall. You have a lot of bruising-"

"My fall?" I interrupt her.

"Oh, you must not remember. Your father says that you fell down 3 flights of stairs and broke through glass." My eyes widen. I look towards my dad and he gives me a look not to say anything.

"O-oh y-yeah I don't remember t-that." I gulp, my throat still dry.

"Don't worry, temporary memory loss is perfectly normal in this situation. I will be back in an hour or two to check your blood pressure." She nods, looks at each of us one more time before exiting the room, closing the door behind her.

"You aren't welcome at the house anymore. When we get home, I want you to pack your stuff and leave." I look over, stunned at my Fathers words.

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