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Classes went by fairly quickly and before I knew it, the lunch bell rang. I grab the strings to my backpack and pull them down, tightening the grip on my shoulders as I walk into the cafeteria. I spot most of the girls surrounding the new kid--whatever his name was.

I walk to my table group and sit in my usual spot, trying not to focus on the giggles a few tables over. When the conversation in my group suddenly dwindles down, I look up from my lunch and see that they were all looking at me with wide eyes.

"What?" I furrow my eyebrows as they look at each other, mumbling a "nothing" in sync.

"Will someone please tell me what the hell is going on?" I look in between all of them hoping someone would tell me.

"Rumor has it that the new guy, Justin Bieber was asking around about you." Caroline says softly as the rest of the group nods.

"Me? Why?" My heart pounds in my chest. Surely it wasn't me, he was probably asking about someone else and got the names mixed up. What could he possibly want with me?

After lunch, I walk into class and most people are already in their seats. I take a seat at my desk and notice the empty desk next to me. That's odd, usually Lizzie is here extra early already getting started on notes.

On time, the bell rings and Mrs. Elaine raises her hand at her podium, signaling the class to quiet down. Just as she was about to speak, the new kid, known as Justin, steps foot into the class, earning a squeal from the girls. Justin smirks before turning to the teacher who had a scowl on her face.

"Be earlier next time Mr. Bieber or you will find yourself kicked out of my class."

"No problem, Mrs. Elaine, my schedule is just so different than what I am used to so I have had trouble finding my classes, it wont happen again." Justin talks in a sickly sweet voice that yells bullshit but Mrs. Elaine doesn't seem to notice as she smiles and says something inaudible to him that I couldn't hear.

"You can sit next to Miss. Gilbert, Justin. Elena, please raise your hand dear." My heart skips a beat as I slowly raise my hand, locking eyes with Justin before I break the contact quickly and return to reviewing the notes from the day prior, knowing Mrs. Elaine will review it with us.

"Alright class, please grab out your Literature books and turn to page 673." She asks and the classroom echos from the books being set on the desk and the pages being turned.

"I haven't gotten any of my books for my classes yet, Mrs. Elaine." Justin yells to her making me jump. Why do I have a feeling that he's never going to have the right school supplies for the rest of the year?

"That's fine dear, you can share a book with someone around you for today."

The girls surrounding Justin gasp and immediately start calling offering their books to him. Is it always going to be like this? I want to tear my ears off of my own head! I rest my head in the palm of my left hand to try and ignore them.

It didn't work all that well when I heard the sound of a desk screeching next to me. I lifted my head only to see Justin's desk next to mine, nearly making my stomach fall out of my vagina.

"W-what are you doing?" I gulp, leaning away from him.

"Mrs. Elaine said I could share a book with you." He states, as if I didn't hear her yell it to him from the front of class.

"She said you could s-share with anyone around you, consider me invisible." I curse under my breath, hating the nervous stutter that seems to be emitting from my mouth.

"That would be pretty impossible, love." He smiles, running his tongue over his plump lips. My eyes dart from his hazel brown eyes to his lips that had just called me the cutest nickname ever.

"I-I uh... Yeah you can-- Here." I shove my book in between the two of us and focus on what Mrs. Elaine was teaching while taking notes. My heart rate didn't seem to slow down as Justin continued to stare at me throughout the class period.

As soon as the bell rings and thank the heavens and jump out of my seat, shoving my belongings into my backpack before scurrying out of the classroom.

"Hey! Wait up!" I look behind me and saw Justin jogging to catch up with me.

I turn a sharp corner and he runs into it, then catches me by the arm, pulling me back so that I couldn't escape. My natural reaction was to whimper and snatch my hand from his grip, even though he wasn't hurting me.

Justin's face softens and his eyes and lips droop, replacing his once out of breath expression to a sad one.

I snap out of the daze and wrap my arms around my stomach, feeling exposed. "Justin, right?" He nods, his smile allowing me to continue, "I don't know why out of all people you shared the textbook with me, maybe I am over analyzing it but I really didn't show any interest in you in the first place so take that as a sign, okay?"

I glance down at my phones clock and notice that I only have six minutes to get home. "I have to go." I sigh, walking away before he could stop me.

I feel bad for telling him off so harshly but judging by his exterior, he didn't look like someone I needed or even wanted in my life. Besides, if Father ever found out that I had an interest in a boy, he would probably kill me, or him. Justin would be better off if he didn't talk to me, so I was doing him a favor.

But I couldn't help but think that he talked to every girl that he saw, so I was probably just one of the many he talked to in order to pass time.

Before I knew it, I was at my front door and I quickly walked in with a minute to spare.

"I'm home!" I call out, letting Father know that I wasn't late.

"How was your day?" I ask, walking into the doorway of his office, hoping that he was in a good mood.

"Long. Go get your homework done, close my door on your way out."He mumbles and I nod my head, make myself a simple sandwich for dinner then settle myself into bed.

Bonnie: Hey El! Want to hang?

Me: Sorry Bonnie. I'm grounded again.

I sigh and throw my phone to the side of me, groaning into my hands, annoyed at myself for leaving Bonnie hanging. Ever since she noticed my bruises, I found myself shutting her out. At least for the time being, while they heal.

Caroline: There's a party this Friday, please come with me!

Me: Grounded.

Caroline: Sneak out! Oh, please! It's going to be at Justin Bieber's house, the hot mysterious God!"

Me: I'm not interested in him, or helping him get into your pants.

Caroline: Then you don't have to help. I just want you to go with me. You aren't going to be young forever Adabelle, don't you want to look back and have fun memories?

I grow annoyed, knowing that she was right. But I'm also not going to live if I get caught.

Me: Okay, I'll go.

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