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I had managed to avoid the conversation with Bonnie the whole day. I shouldn't have come to school today, or ever for that matter. I don't know how I'm going to be able to keep it from her for much longer. My Father's temper seems to be getting worse and worse. 

"Make sure to study for the Chem test Monday!" The teacher reminds us, snapping me out of my thoughts. I bury my head in my hands, hating the idea of more tests that I just don't have the time to study for.

I keep my eyes on the ground as I walk out of school, avoiding all contact with Bonnie and anyone else for that matter but as unlucky as I am, I hear Bonnie call me over to the tables out front. 

Cursing under my breath I turn around and smile to a waving Bonnie and Josh then make my way over to them.

"Hey, we are gonna head to my place to hang out, did you wanna come?" Josh announces, stealing a glance at Bonnie. He looked nervous, almost as if he didn't even want me to come and just wanted Bonnie to come over. I felt a pang to my chest, knowing that if my only two friends begin dating, I'll be left out more often.

"Oh no, I actually have some errands to run so you guys have fun. I'll see you two tomorrow!" I wink while faking a smile and then make my way towards the park down the street from my house.

I sit down under the tree I normally do and pull my journal out of my backpack, flipping to a blank page. Ever since my mom died, I talked to her through writing hoping that she could see it from Heaven, or maybe she is in the afterlife and is reading over my shoulder as I write it down. Wherever she is, I hope that she could see how much I miss her.

I miss you. And I know that I say that at the beginning of everything I write to you but it's true. It's hard to not have you here to tell me to be strong or hold me when I cry. Things have gotten worse. Father's anger seems to get the best of him more and more each day and it's getting hard to cover up. If it continues, I may even have to skip school weeks at a time. Then again, that will cause suspicion to rise even further. He says I remind him of you and I don't want you to think that it's your fault he's doing this to me, I know that it's not. It's mine, I anger him too much. It's not his fault either, he just needs a bit of help that's all. He's just hurt, he misses you too. How are you doing? I hope you miss me too and are watching over me. I can't wait till I see you again. I love you.

I begin to cry as I rest my head against the tree and before I know it, they stop and so do my eyes as they flutter closed into a somber sleep.


My lungs fill with cold, brisk air and it wakes me from my sleepy state, making me aware of what time it was. My eyes dart from left to right, seeing that it was already night. I jump to my feet and gather my belongings in a hurry as I check my cellphone. 

You have 3 missed calls from; Father, 6 text messages from; Father, 2 text messages from Josh

I curse wildly under my breath as I open the door to my house and close it softly behind me.

"Where were you?" My head swings in the direction from where the voice was spoken as my heart thumps against my chest so hard I was sure it could be heard from next door. The house was pitch black until my dad clicked on a lamp that was besides him in his favorite recliner chair.

"I was resting at the park and I accidentally fell asleep. I am so sorry i-it won't happen again!" I plead hoping he will miraculously forgive my actions.

"I know it won't." He stands up and takes a sip of his whiskey. "You're grounded. You go straight to school, and straight back home. You will be home by 3, or you will receive a punishment." 

"Okay! No problem, I am so sorry!" I clap my hands together, thanking the Lord that he wasn't drunk yet.

"Not so fast. If I see you with your stupid little friends Adabelle, you will never see the light of day again." He taunts, lifting my chin to meet his own vicious and cold blue eyes. "I am doing this for your own good, you know that right?" 

I sheepishly nod, trying not to flinch or rip my head from his vice-like grip.

"Get to bed now." He releases my chin and disappears into the kitchen. I nearly trip as I sprint to my room before he could change his mind on my punishment.

Once I get into bed, I check the messages that Josh sent to me that said that he asked Bonnie to be his girlfriend but he had no idea where to take her for their first date and he needed my help.


The next day I got up earlier than usual in order to help Josh with date ideas for Bonnie and before leaving the house, I set out a simple breakfast for Father.

Once I get to the school, Josh immediately waves me over, "Hey Elena!" 

I smile then sit down across from him at a table, "Took you long enough to ask her out!" I wiggle my eyebrows and laugh to let him know that I was joking around. He chuckles as a red blush appears on his defined cheeks.

"Aawwhhh Joshie is blushing!" I cooed and pinched his cheeks and he swats them away with a roll of his eyes.

For the next thirty minutes before people began to show up for school, Josh and I discussed what kind of date he should take Bonnie on. When he got a text from her, he ventured off to go and find her, leaving me to continue my daily routine which started with my locker.

As I grab a textbook from my locker, I hear gasps and giggles. Confused, I look around to see the girls fanning themselves. I nearly gag as I watch them nearly faint at the sight of a guy in black clothing, sunglasses covering his eyes as he walks down the hall, tilting them down to his nose as he winks at a group drooling over him.

I slam my locker shut and saunter off down the hall to first period. 

Who does he think he is?

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