His Story Begins

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His Story Begins

So as your journey begins to unfold

To join with figures in the tales of old

Who came from all walks of life

Who were as different as the day and the night

Across the wide blue of the roaring seas

Thru the vast forest of towering trees

Across the deserts of the scorching sands

And over the mountains that dwarf the lands

With heroes who within their blood courage and justice did flow

And that of tyrants whose hearts no longer beat and were frozen cold

Prepare to become a wizard of the ages

But be forewarn before you turn these pages

For you shall become one with a history that is glorious, but tragic

But that is the price you must pay to wield the Chaos Wheel of Magic

Romeo's P.O.V.

Haragon, Fiore

I'm sitting here at the docks, once again watching the waves. Despite the loud noises they make as they crash into the harbor wall, it peaceful to me. It helps me forget if only for a moment, the pain, the loss, and the sorrow. It helps me forgets for a moment of the friends who will never come home. Of days pass when Fairy Tail was on top, and all the best jobs were ours for the choosing. Of those nights when the rowdy members would starts brawl just for the laughs.

Now Fairy Tail is barely scraping by, with the few members that remain taking any job that come our way. Nights are quiet with barely even an angry voice raise, let alone a fight. I have finally become a full-fledged Guild Member earning the guild stamp just a few months ago, but it a hollow victory. Without Natsu-nii or the others around to go on missions with, there was no point in me having this.

"Yo, Romeo" I hear a voice call behind me.

I turned around to see Alzack and Bisca, all pack up ready to head back to the Guild Hall. I get up, picked up my bag and walked over to them. Alzack gives me a saddened look.

"Hey Romeo, I know its been tough for you, with everything that happens, but if you ever need someone to talk too, I'm always willing to listen", he says to me.

"Me too Romeo, we're all here for you", Bisca adds on.

I give them both a blank look and walk past them. A little while later they join me.

We're walking together on the outskirts of Haragon, it seems lately that all of my missions I have gone out with Alzack and Bisca despite the fact they have a child, they still pull their weight around the Guild. I can't help but admire that about them.

As we're walking down the road a sudden wind blows Bisca hat off her head, sending it flying into the woods. Seeing how I was the closet and to make up for my attitude lately toward them, I volunteer to go retrieve it.

"Be careful" Bisca tells me, "Your dad has enough problems as there is, he doesn't need you hurt on top of it".

I really wish they would stop treating me like a kid though. I begin walking into the forest, pushing aside branches and twigs until I finally come to the spot where her hat landed. I leap over a rock that was blocking my path and land about two feet in front of it, near the hat. As I reach down for it I'm suddenly hit by an enormous amount of magic for a brief second. I stumble back and fall flat on my ass. Upon landing, I feel the magic disappear. Looking around quickly I notice no one else is around. Slowly moving toward the hat I gently pick it up and start to walk back, just as I'm about to be in front of the rock the ground gives way and I get sucked into the earth.

Romeo: Wielder of the Chaos Wheel of MagicWhere stories live. Discover now