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Prologue: The Ice Witch's Curse

Once upon a time, in a Norwegian land called Arendelle, lived a King named Agnar and a Queen named Iduna. They had two daughters together, the oldest named Elsa and the youngest named Anna.

While Agnar and Iduna were kind rulers that loved their daughters very much, one of their daughters had a very special gift that was kept private. Their daughter Elsa was born with very magical ice powers!

How their oldest daughter came to be born with such powers was a mystery. The king and queen didn't have ice powers, and neither did Anna. No one really knew the reason why Elsa was born with such magic.

Nonetheless, Agnar and Iduna loved their children with all of their hearts and gave them both just as much love that any parent would give their child.

But was Elsa really the only one born with the powers of snow and ice? Was there anyone else like her?

The oldest daughter would often ask her parents those questions, and she soon got her answer on one unforgettable night.

While the two sisters played together, sliding down on a big snowy hill made by Elsa, their parents came in and Agnar asked while shaking his head with a grin,

"Anna! Elsa! What are you doing?"

Elsa answered, "We're sledding!"

Elsa was an eight-year-old little girl with platinum blonde hair that was tied back into a braid. For the evening, she was wearing a simple baby blue nightgown with mid-length sleeves.

Anna added excitedly, "And then we're gonna go ice skating, make snow angels, build an igloo, build a snowman..."

Anna was a five-year-old little girl with freckles and red hair that was tied up into pigtails. For the evening, she was wearing a simple light green nightgown with short sleeves.

Iduna chuckled and said, "Well, all of that can wait til tomorrow. But right now, it's time for bed."

Anna whined, "Aww! But I'm not even tired!"

Elsa asked, "Can you tell us a bedtime story first?"

Agnar answered, "I can-"

Before he could finish his statement, The two of his daughters climbed into Elsa's bed as they both jumped up and down, excited for the story!

Agnar finished with a raised brow,

"But only if you two can settle and listen."

Wanting to hear the story, both Anna and Elsa briefly held their breaths as they gave their father attention.

With their full attention, Agnar went on to say,

"This is a story of someone who bore similar powers to you, Elsa."

Elsa gasped in excitement while Anna looked on in surprise, as their father continued on with the story,

"Long ago, far off in a forest lived a woman that went by the name of Hilde, but was also known to everybody as the Ice Witch. She was a woman whose hair was as blue as her skin. But most importantly, she bore the powers of ice and snow like you Elsa. However, the difference between her and you is that she was not a very nice woman. Being scorned for her icy blue skin and hair, Hilde despised the human race. She was a woman that was feared by many that stepped in her path or towards her ice cottage, for Hilde could've frozen them solid where they stood. Or worse, cursed them with a frozen heart. And that almost happened again, when one wintry afternoon, a little boy came across her ice cottage."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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