IDK how to add the past so here's a separate chapter for it

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A/N: If you haven't read the manga you'll probably not be able to understand what's happening in this chapter. Also Thank you for 200 reads <3


Emma sat beside Cristy, keeping a watch over the injured boy. They had to abandon the shelter because a group of snipers from grace field had found about it and were currently tracking them. Lucas and Yuugo were still at the base, keeping the enemy at bay.

Emma's whole body trembled, her brain working 100 miles per min.

'Lucas and Yuugo should be coming soon. They should be fine....but what if something happened to them. If I made some error in my judgement? If anything happens to them it will be my fault'


Emma's eyes shot open. She frantically looked around, her breathing ragged.

'It was a dream. Yuugo isn't here. Yuugo and Lucas are probably already-'

The sound of a blast doubled her worries. She ran outside, praying to god that Yuugo and Lucas were safe.

"No way...." Her lip trembled at the sight before her. Smoke, there was smoke where the shelter used to be. She sobbed silently, burying her face in her hands.



Once back in their hideout, everyone began to voice their opinions on what should be done. It was foolish to go to the base to look for Lucas and Yuugo, they would only end up getting caught, so they decided to put their faith in them and rest a little.

Oliver tapped Emma on her shoulder and asked her to follow him. They went to another room and Oliver handed Emma a note.

"A note?"

He explained everything to her from Lucas giving him the note to the weird phone call from a man claiming to be William Minerva.

"Emma! There you are!" Gilda came running to them, panic stricken.
"Emma! Dominic and Alicia are missing!!!"



They split into groups and went out in the forest.

*Bang Bang*

"Those just now were...gunshots?!"
"This is bad.. hurry!" Ray mumbled and the group ran in the direction of the gunshot.

They arrived at the spot just a little late. 2 of their friends had been shot in the head by the man they were trying to escape. He looked absolutely horrifying, half of his face burnt and his bones visible. But that wasn't what scared them. He had Alicia in his arms as a hostage and Dominic was on the ground right in front of him, injured.


The group dropped their weapons and did as they were told.

"I'm going to kill all of you. You cattle children should just die as food." He said and stepped on Dominic's injured leg. At once, the group picked up their weapons and pointed at him. 

"Heh? You're gonna shoot me? Are you Emma? When those two leftovers from glory bell couldn't. You won't shoot me. If you do, I'll kill this brat. You're out of options. Now then—"

A bullet hit him on the shoulder and he dropped Alicia. Zack immediately ran and grabbed Alicia. Emma, on the other and ran towards Dominic, to get him away from Andrew. Andrew, noticing this ran towards Dominic to trample him to death.

At That time, a wild demon appeared from behind and ate Andrew. Emma quickly grabbed Dominic and ran back to the others.  

"Now is chance. Run"

They started running away with all their might. Emma glanced back at the creature, and noticed it fall down on the ground, a knife buried in it's eye. She noticed people looking around and also Isabella who was deep in thought while staring at the dead creature. 

'Why are they here? Did they know we were here? Did they see us?' 

One look from Isabella and she realized they had been spotted and that there was no way they could run away until at least one was sacrificed. 

"Ray" Emma whispered "Hold Dominic for me and run"
"Where are you going?" Ray asked, visibly panicking. All his senses were telling him that whatever Emma was about to was not good.
"Don't ask questions, just take him and go. Don't come looking for me, I'll get back at the base as soon as possible" Emma pushed Dominic to Ray and ran off in the opposite direction

'I'll be the bait. Run away. Don't look back Ray.'



Emma's POV

I came out from behind the bushes, realizing that there was no use hiding anymore. It was only a matter of time before I was found out. Ray and the other's should have reached the base by now.

"So you finally decide to show yourself Emma. Where are the others?"

I remained silent, searching for any possible escape route. It was definitely not possible for me to escape though. With those number of enemies, I'd get caught in no time.

"Emma..I'll give you two options. The same options before you escaped. Become food and get shipped out or become a mama and devote yourself to raising cattle children. Choose wisely.








"I'll become a mom"

Understand (Mama Emma) | Continued|Where stories live. Discover now