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A/N This is a collaboration between giakfanfiqs and Dragon_Kitara



80 Years Later

A girl stepped onto the porch of a brightly lit house. The door that sensed her presence automatically slid open and closed behind her after she had entered. She kicked off her shoes by the doorway and dropped her backpack nearby before entering the main hall, announcing her arrival in a solemn voice.

"Ma! Pa? I'm home." She sauntered into the lounge finding her grandmother.

"You must be tired," The old mother flashed a smile at the girl before gently patting her back. "Wash up and come down, I'll make you something to eat."

The grandmother always spoke in a gentle voice, soothing to the ears of it's listeners. Right now it her voice sounding a few octaves higher at the sight of her granddaughter who she loved a lot.

Once Ezra's grandmother disappeared from the lounge, her grandfather emerged and he noticed the slight change in the girl's usual everyday expression.

"What's the matter, Ezra?" He inquired, approaching her. "You're upset, what's the matter?" he added, as she didn't respond.

"Nothing really," Ezra shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal followed by a loud sigh.

After a long silence that followed, which comprised of her grandfather patiently waiting for her dear granddaughter to speak her mind as he kept gazing at her, Ezra finally gave up and broke the silence.

"I'm just stuck in the same class as that kid. I don't know what he has against other kids who don't have parents," Ezra spoke slowly, fiddling with her fingers.

She took great notice of her grandfather's expression dropping and immediately shook her hands in front of her, dismissing the uneasy feeling that was gonna invade the atmosphere. She knew that her words could be taken in another way, the way she didn't mean and would hurt her lovely grandparents.

"Don't get me wrong, I understand that my parents died when I was young and I'm absolutely grateful for you and Ma for taking care of me," She immediately shifted the topic as she began expressing her gratitude towards them. Those words came straight from her heart even though they seemed superficial at the very moment.

Ezra gazed at her grandfather with a smile. Yes, she loved both of them to death. Even if her parents had survived that car accident, she would still be their loving grandchild. Her grandfather returned her smile but he knew better than to lightly accept her words. He knew that Ezra was unhappy and the harsh reality was eventually getting to her, in many unsaid ways.

"You know what would cheer you up?" He began, grinning, gaining her attention as she shifted her gaze from the floor to his face.

"A new shipment has arrived in the junkyard, why don't you have a look through it and salvage what you want for your collection? I'll be sending it to the warehouse tomorrow so act fast," The grandfather asserted as he took notice of his dear granddaughter's face and let out a chuckle as he watched her wide range of expressions within a few moments.

Ezra's previous gloomy aura had immediately extinguished and she ended up giving her grandfather a tight hug, giving her thanks before sprinting towards the garage. In her excitement, Ezra didn't think twice when she spotted the new box of stuff and the ceiling lights immediately lit up upon sensing her presence in the garage.

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