Chapter 8

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Otto's PoV

I saw Parker and that MJ girl on what looked like some sort of date. I growled, how dare he do this to Y/N. I know they're with me but he doesn't know that. He should still be loyal. I saw them lean in for a kiss and I threw a car through the window. "Otto!" Y/N scolded me "whoops." We walked over to him and two actuators picked him up "Peter Parker. I want you to find your friend Spider-man. I want you to tell him to meet us at the west-side tower at three o'clock." I see Parker look at Y/N, his eyes widened "Y/N... Why?" They scoff "Shove off pete." He sighs "But I don't know where he is."

I sigh, one of my actuators taking off my sunglasses "Find him." I see Y/N take Mary Jane "Or we'll tear the skin from her bones." He growls "If you lay a finger on her-" "You'll do what?" I cut him off throwing him into a wall as Y/N and I fly/climb away

Spider-man swung to the top of the tower "Where is she?!" I chuckle "She'll be just fine. Let's talk." I motion toward him with two fingers


We all stopped on top of the train after I had pulled the brakes out "You have a train to catch" I gave him a salute and latched myself onto one of the side buildings, Y/N following shortly after.

After the train had stopped we had caught up and I pushed open the walls. The people stepped in front of me and said I'd have to go through them and I shrugged "Very well then." I pushed them away and grabbed Spider-man.

We delivered Spider-man to Harry and Y/N stayed behind to watch "I'll see you later darling" I kissed him and left.

Y/N's PoV

I watched Harry unmask the vigilante in anticipation. The mask came off. The dagger dropped to the floor. It was peter. "You." I growled picking up the dagger as he took the barbed wire and wrapped it around me. "Where's MJ?!" I keep my mouth shut and he looks at Harry "All they wanted was the tritium." Realisation hits "Let's go Y/N." He drags me back to the lab "Otto!" I scream as I see him rush over to me and pull me from Peter's arms "I should've known Osborn didn't have the guts to finish you off." He goes to attack him but I yell "Otto! It's Peter!" I see the machine overload "Otto! Shut it down!" Peter yells as he pushes him into the water "I can't! It's self sustaining." I had an idea "Pete, put me down. I'll do it." He complied, placing me down and ripping the barbed wire off. I leant down and kissed Otto, "I love you so much." I touched one of the actuators, infecting it with my nanobots and planting them on the ground "You can't Y/N you'll die! I can't lose you too.." Both of our eyes welled up with tears "I know, I'm sorry." I walked over to the machine and with the help of my nanobots I managed to knock all of the pillars down... I was still alive! I could live! I turned to otto with a smile "I did it otto! I love you!" I went to smile but it dropped immediately as I saw the horrified look on both men's faces, then I felt it. A wire had wrapped around my neck and dragged me into the water. I struggled and gasped for breath as I looked up to see Peter and MJ staring at my drowning body as it all went dark.

Otto's PoV

I saw them knock the machine down and turn to me smiling, then I saw them be strangled and pulled underwater. Then I saw Parker and the girl watch and do nothing. Their nanobots stopped me from saving them. I couldn't do anything... until it was too late. The nanotech deactivated and that meant only one thing. They were gone. One actuator, now free, dove into the water with hope. It brought them back up... unmoving and lifeless. I set them down and stared daggers at the two left "You didn't save him." His eyes widened "Otto-" "After all he did for you?! After the one-sided relationship. After pain?" I growled "Leave! And never come back." He sighed, taking the girl and swinging away.

I looked over to where Y/N's body was... "Oh my love," I cradled him in my arms "I'm so sorry.. I love you, I didn't say it before but I love you so much. You shouldn't have to be gone." His tears flooded his face. "I'll fix this somehow."

End of book 1 i will make book 2 for NWH

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