Chapter 3

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Y/N's PoV

I awoke to my alarm. I hit it and got dressed and went out to the lab "Morning Otto! Good morning Rosie!" They both gave me a small peck on the lips and a respective "Hello Dear" or "Morning Love" I smiled and went to work on my little nanobot side projects. Otto came up to me gently squeezing my shoulder "Almost showtime little one." I smiled up at him "Oh Otto! Look at this!" I pull up my holographic arm tablet and set a finger motion for the shield I programmed. I summoned it on my arm first, then around my top half like a little dome "Hit it!" I smile as he nods , punching it gently "That's brilliant darling." I put the shield away and hugged him "It's just big enough for me at the moment but soon I can upgrade it!" He pats my head "Come on smart boy. Let's go show them the future."

Otto, Rosie and I walked down the stairs and I saw Peter in the crowd. I waved at him and he ignored me, go figure. I turned to Otto and he started his speech "Ladies and gentlemen... My wife Rosie, our Partner Y/N and I would like to welcome you this afternoon!" He smiled "Now before we start did anyone lose a large roll of $20 bills in a rubber band?" I waited for a moment before cracking another smile "because we found the rubber band." A few people laughed including Peter, Rosie and I.

"It's a terrible joke. But thank you for coming. Today... you will witness the birth of a new fusion based energy source. Safe, renewable energy and cheap electricity for everyone. Now let me introduce my Assistants." He smiles "First we have Y/N. Would you be a dear and boot up the actuators when ready please?" he asked quietly and I nodded, pulling up my arm tablet to a few shocked gasps 'Our little prodigy has experimented on themself with nanotechnology! They can now control any online system at their wrist." I smiled and waved, getting the actuator system loaded up as Otto unveiled the actuators

"These four actuators were developed for the sole purpose of creating successful fusion. They are impervious to heat and magnetism." I activated the actuator pad and they started to connect to Otto's back and belly. I registered the microchip and turned on the actuators. "These smart arms are controlled through my brain by a neural link. Nanowires feed directly into my cerebellum allowing me to use these arms to control fusion reaction in an environment no human hand could enter. Nanowires courtesy of Y/N." I nod and one lady speaks up "Doctor, if the artificial intelligence in the arms is as advanced as you suggest, couldn't that make you vulnerable to them?" Otto chuckled "How right, sure. Which is why Y/N and I developed this inhibitor chip to protect my higher brain function. It means I maintain control of these arms, instead of them controlling me. Now onto the main event. Give me the blue light, Rosie." Everything was pushed out of the way to reveal the machine. "Precious Tritium is the fuel that makes this project go. There's only 25 pounds of it on the whole planet. I'd like to thank Harry Osborn and Oscorp industries for providing it." Harry chuckled, "Happy to pay the bills, Otto." One of the actuators releases the tritium into the machine. Rosie went over to him and handed him his goggles before coming back over to me and giving me a tight hug "Ladies and Gentlemen... fasten your seatbelts." he turned the machine on and it started to make a little sun. I smiled, It was working! Another scientist announced a successful fusion and everyone clapped. I saw a man turn and talk to Harry. Probably something about Norman. I rolled my eyes and kept watch on the fusion. I watched Otto containing the fusion then I heard him say "The power of the sun... in the palm of my hand."

Soon the fusion spiked, all the metals were flying into it and it looked like Otto was going mad trying to contain it "Everyone! Leave the room!" I heard someone yell, as Rosie and I stayed with Otto. I checked the monitor and sighed "Otto it's overloading!" I yelled and Rosie ran forward "Otto, please get back!" I looked at her in fear as the building started to collapse around her "Rosie!" I ran after her dodging the debris falling everywhere.
"Shut it off Otto! Shut it off!" I heard Harry scream "It will stabilize! It's under control!" he yelled back. Harry kept yelling as something was coming towards him, spiderman swung in and saved him.

He tried pulling the plug but Otto batted him away "Otto stop! This is crazy! You're gonna get us killed!" Rosie cried. With the next spike the windows shattered I had summoned my shield because I thought Rosie was behind me. No she wasn't, she had tried to run for cover and the glass had slit her throat. Otto and I ran to her, I was sobbing and Otto was hit with another spike of electricity, it had fried his microchip. As we were all distracted, spiderman pulled the plug and Otto fell to the floor as the machine exploded. I cradled Rosie in my arms as the paramedics arrived "No you can't take her!" The man sighed "I'm sorry.. She's dead." I stayed with Otto as they took Rosie's body away, stroking his face and muttering apologies over and over. Peter found me and offered to take me home. I told him I wanted to stay with Otto and for him to leave.

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