"That said, I need star power." Cheryl went on.

"What are you getting at, Cherrybomb?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"I need the Pussycats. Stay loose and limber, ladies, while I make a call." Cheryl ordered us. Me, Betty and Veronica dropped back onto the floor and stretched our legs.

"After this practice, I'll totally need a pedicure. You?" Veronica asked me and Betty.

"I'll be helping Reggie study." I said, not partially lying but, kind of lying. I'm also supposed to help Jughead look for clues that has anything to do with Jason Blossom and his twisted murder.

"I'll have homework." Betty said. I don't think it was lie, as mine, but Betty definitely despised the Lodge girl. And, now I see what Mrs.Cooper was saying about the Lodges.

"I know everyone grieves differently, but Cheryl's hosting a pep rally to cope with her loss. That's either brilliant, or psychotic, or both." Veronica scoffed and I just rolled my eyes. At the end of the day, Veronica has daddy issues so she has no room to speak. She just came and everything is, 'I bet my daddy did that'. I highly doubt Hiram Lodge knew Jason Blossom and held any grudges against him.

"Yeah, well, at least Cheryl isn't putting on an act." I shrugged, and Veronica scoffed.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Pretending she's a butterfly when really she's a wasp." Betty chimed in, standing up crossing her arms, along with me.

"For the record, the only reason I went into that closet with Archie was so Cheryl wouldn't." Veronica said defensively.

"Sis, so that means you have to get all cuddly with him?" I stated and Veronica glared at me.

"Oh, so you did it to protect me?" Betty asked Veronica sarcastically.

"Damn straight." Veronica said, crossing her arms.

"Okay, so nothing happened between you and Archie in the closet, then?" I questioned the Lodge girl and she stuttered, not giving an answer.

"Yeah, thats what I thought." Betty scoffed.

"You know, Archie and I were fine before you got here." Betty stated, I low-key disagreed because he literally was showing no interest towards her, not even as a best friend. But, I stood there and supported my friend.

"If by, fine, you mean he was oblivious and you were pining after him in quiet desperation." Veronica argued.

"What a damn 'friend' you are, Lodge." I scoffed, emphasizing 'friend', rolling my eyes and drinking my water.

"We were friends, at least." Betty said, referring to Archie.

"You were walking on emotional eggshells around him, scared to tell him the truth." Veronica expressed.

"Okay, you don't know me, Veronica." Betty glared at the girl.

"It is not my fault he doesn't like you." Veronica shot back.

"Excuse me, bitch?" I raised my tone stepping towards Veronica.

"If thats what you're thinking." Veronica sighed backing up a little, trying to re-word what just came out of her mouth.

"It's not anyone's fault. It's not even stupid Archie's. It's just how it is. Most of the time the people we like don't like us back." Veronica backtracked.

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