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I am currently standing in the gym, next to another River-Vixen. Her name is Midge Klump. We turn around to grab our water bottles for a quick second and turn back around to see Betty and Veronica kissing. I'm not going to lie that was hot as fuck, but I'm not lesbian nor bisexual, but I do heavily support the LGBTQ+ community. Midge literally has her mouth hung open, blown away by the moment.

"Is Betty bisexual?" I ask Midge, looking at Betty.

"Nope, I don't think so. I think she likes that Archie kid." Midge tells me.

"Check your sell-by date, ladies, faux lesbian kissing hasn't been taboo since 1994." Cheryl reminds the two girls.

Well shit, is Cheryl lesbian?

I didn't ask Midge that, It'd be weird, too weird. I didn't know the Blossom girl. Nor, did I want to become friends with her.

"So let's see if you do better with the interview portion of our audition." Cheryl tells the two girls, who are still waiting to see if they made the team.

"Betty, how's your sister doing?" Cheryl ask. To me, it didn't seem like she cared. But sister? Betty Cooper has a sister and didn't mention her? Something bad or tragic must've happen to her.

"Um, Polly's fine, thanks for asking." Betty answers Cheryl, embarrassed.

"Veronica, has Betty told you about her sister yet?" Cheryl asks Veronica.

"Uh, no." Veronica answers, confused, turning to her blonde friend.

"Go ahead, Betty." Cheryl starts, turning her attention back to Betty.

"Tell Veronica about your sister and my dear brother." Cheryl said, slowly ripping Betty apart.

"Polly and Jason dated." Betty said, facing Veronica.

"I wouldn't say 'dated'." Cheryl scoffed.

"It didn't end well." Betty corrected.

"In fact, Jason's probably why your sister had a nervous breakdown and now lives in a group home, isn't it?" Cheryl questioned Betty, obviously knowing that did happen.

I stepped up to Cheryl, now she was just crossing the line with the poor girl.

I seen girls I knew in caskets because of bullying. Want to guess how they ended up in those caskets? Suicide.

"Yo, Blossom. I'm gonna need you to stop. You're ripping into her because of your brother's death? Since her sister is in a group home you can't say that Jason drowned because of Polly. So stop." I said, standing my grounds, bringing tears to Cheryl's eyes.

"That's what my parents think." Betty confirmed.

"What do you have to say about that, Betty? Go ahead, the floor is yours. Whatever you've been dying to spew about Jason and how he treated Polly, unleash it." Cheryl said, once again ripping into Betty despite of my approach to her. But she didn't stop there.

"Destroy me." She went on and on.

"Tear me a new one."

"Rip me to shreds."

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