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Narrator pov:The Martinez, got ready to go to Camilo Madrigal's ceremony, Y/n has 4 years old, but she was gonna have 5 years old in a week and Camilo has 5 years old

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Narrator pov:
The Martinez, got ready to go to Camilo Madrigal's ceremony, Y/n has 4 years old, but she was gonna have 5 years old in a week and Camilo has 5 years old.
All of the Martinez leaved near Casita so they didn't mind going early.

Y/n was hearing how everyone was being loud arguing. She hid where her toys where, she suddenly heard knocking, she yelped a little trying not to cry
"Chipmunk, Can I come in?" You heard your older brother calling you by your nickname but you didn't answer, he called you that because you acted like one.

He waited some seconds and got worried,
"Chipmunk I am going inside" He opened the door and locked the door, he looked for you, until he saw e/c (eye color) in a hole in the pile of plushies.
He took a sit in the floor and pushed all the plushies away. Y/n got scared and started crying.
"Hey, hey calm down nothings wrong breath in and breath out" He cupped your face and wiped the tears away. You hugged him tightly while calming down.

"Alright little chipmunk, its time to go" He stood up and carried you on his shoulders. You guys went downstairs and your dad wasn't there. Everyone seemed normal but a little sad, everyone heard the church bell, meaning it was time to go.

"Guys its time to go" Your mom sighed, opened the door and everyone started to walk to casita.
Your two other brothers were using their gifts and playing around.
Until we arrived to casita and got greeted by Felix, Pepa and Camilo.

Everyone seemed to arrive to casita, but they had some more minutes to dance or eat.
You went alone to explore casita.
You saw little Camilo playing soccer alone with casita.
You smiled every time you heard Camilo celebrate when he does a goal.
Until Casita brought you with him and made you guys fall, your faces were close.

Camilo and you started giggling and helped each other get up
"Hey! I am Camilo Madrigal" He took out his hand for you to shake it and you smiled
"I am Y/n Martinez" You shacked his hand
"Wanna play some soccer while we wait?" Camilo asked while he was grabbing the ball and you nod even though you didn't know how to soccer.

After having a fun moment playing with a Camilo, Dolores came with her parents to tell him its time.
"Well amiga! I will have to go see you later!" He waves you bye, and you wave him back and get inside casita.

You quickly find your brothers and mom waiting for the ceremony to start, you wanted to get closer to see Camilo so you did.
You saw how Camilo was nervous to move, you mumbled 'you got this!' And gave him a thumbs up. He then took out his hand for you to hold it, he gave you the puppy eyes and you nodded and grabbed his hand.
Even though you met him just now, you were his best friend.
Camilo and you got upstairs, you guys were still holding your hands, Camilo opened his door and you jumped up and down happily. Until another door appeared glowing,
Everyone gasped, they didn't know what happened, even Alma. The candle was glowing even more.

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