56. Scarf

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After publishing... that... I've had a mental block because all I've been able to think about is cringe and how all my finals are due. But! I did have an important part of the story planned! So I pre-wrote those parts and then updates should start zooming again. Whooooooo Also just realized I never wrote about the Christmas party, maybe I'll add that later as a one-shotish type thingy.


You and Shinso were at the park, it was cold of course, but you were both bundled up in jackets and scarves as you swung on the swings. Well- You were swinging, you made Shinso push you.

"Do you seriously not know how to swing yourself?" Shinso asked as he pushed you forward again.

"I know how to, I just didn't want to" You said with a smile.

"What?!" Shinso stopped pushing you and sat on the empty swing next to you. "Making me do all the work for no reason!"

You pouted. "Aww, I was having fun"

Shinso turned and grabbed the chains that held the swing up. "Now it's your turn to push me."

You laughed as you jumped off your swing. "I suppose that's fair"

You ran around Shinso and gave him a big push, and then immediately after, you ran back to your swing and started swinging yourself.

"That is not fair" Shinso objected. "I pushed you for so much longer than that."

"My arms are tired." You fake sighed.

Shinso nudged your foot with his from his swing. "Liar!"

You laughed and tried to nudge him back, but he swung out of the way.

"Hey!" You exclaimed. "Now who's not being fair?"

You jumped off your swing again and ran behind him. You stopped his swing and looped your arms around his head.

"I got you" You said triumphantly as you nudged his feet with one of yours.

Shinso pulled you over his shoulder by grabbing under your arms and tilting his head out of the way so that your front half was over his shoulder.

"Yup, you got me" He said sarcastically. He stood up off the swing and started walking out of the park while holding you. "But it's freezing out here, let's head back."

He crouched to put you down.

"Noooo, I wanted you to carry me" You frowned.

He hesitated before putting you down. "I'll carry you on my back if you want."

You nodded approvingly and climbed onto his back. He held onto the bends of your knees as he stood up and started walking.

You sighed and rested your chin on his shoulder. "It is freezing. When we get back we're gonna have to pull out my spare blankets.

"You have more blankets?!" He asked. "Y/n, you're one person!"

"But we're two people." You said back.

"But you had all the blankets before we were dating" He said. "When it was just you."

"But I use them all."

"But you're crazy"

You gasped. "Hey! I thought we agreed that we're both crazy!"

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