Howard: Of course.

While Howard and Ross keep talking about nothing in particular, and (Y/N) moves back to the living room and grabs a raggedy courier bag— strange, was it always that beat up? Probably, he had been using it for some years now and nothing lasts forever. Anyways, with that and one last ear scritch for the cat, (Y/N) walks out to join the others and say goodbye for now.

Howard was just closing on his scholarly topic that definitely went over Ross' head. Wasn't easy keeping up with a marine biologist, that's for sure. (Y/N) moves beside his brother and addresses Howard.

(Y/N): Well, nothing big happened. There's a letter about taxes and next week's invitation for you, they're on the kitchen counter right on top of the newspaper, and I took the liberty of making some coffee for you. Should still be hot, I think.

Howard: Thank you, young (L/N). Here's today's payment, and a gift.

Howard hands (Y/N) two things: and envelope that definitely had a healthy stack of bills (on the standard of an unemployed teenager, mind you) and, under it, a thick book.

(Y/N): Oh? What's that?

Howard: My group had a guest today, an associate of a group with similar tastes to ours, he distributed these books. It is a fascinating read, though not exactly to my tastes, and I trust you will put the knowledge inside to good use.

Howard gives (Y/N) a quick wink. He was a nice, and eccentric, man who liked the (L/N) family enough, being their neighbor of decades and all.

(Y/N): Thanks a lot. Same day next week?

Howard: Of course! You already know I have the invitation.

The two of them share a chuckle, then wave at each other.

(Y/N): See you then.

Ross: Later.

Howard: Goodbye, you two.

As the remaining (L/N)s move away, the last thing they see is Howard bending down to pick up his cat and closing the door. The two of them stand at the front entrance of their door, not wanting to walk into the empty house just yet.

Ross: Why is he always out on the same day every week?

(Y/N): Apparently he attends a seafood feast? Something like that, with his marine biologist friends. It's very formal, they get matching suits, actual, handwritten invitations, the whole deal. Must be some fraternity ritual or something.

Ross: Man, you work for a weirdo.

(Y/N): That may be true, but he's nice and I know exactly why you're trying to get me down. You're jealous that the cat likes me better!

(Y/N) raises his voice a bit at the end of his sentence and points an accusing finger at Ross.

Ross: Pft, as if! You know what they say about black cats.

(Y/N): Their fur is the softest?

Ross: No, the bad luck thing and all.

(Y/N): Huh, could have fooled me. Not that you'd know, would you?

Ross: ... okay, you didn't have to be an asshole about me never petting it.

(Y/N): The fact that the cat doesn't let you pet it tells you who the true asshole is.

And they just fall into a comfortable, familiar silence while (Y/N) takes a seat on the porch stairs and starts counting his money.

(Y/N): Yup, all here as usual. That man never misses anything, does he?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 ⏰

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