After the war

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The war ended shortly after and both kingdoms decided to have a peace treaty. While many celebrated a lot of people were mourning for their lost loved ones, these people were angry as the royal family suffered no losses and only went through with the treaty because the other kingdoms paid them handsomely. Xiaojun was however very widely celebrated as he saved many peoples lives as well as managing the medical point he was given a medal for his bravery as well as an audiencewith the royal family.

Xiaojun POV
After the war we returned home luckily hendery and I suffered minor injuries. Hendery did so well in the war that he was promoted to the head of the royal army. When we came home yangyang kissed hendery, he said it was because hendery brought me back safely but I knew it was because he had a crush on him. While we were having the dinner my mother made to celebrate our return a knock was heard on the door. I opened the door to reveal a group of palace guards. We are here to escort you to the palace please collect your belongings the guard in charge said I was confused but then the guards barged in and began packing my things. Hendery, yangyang and my mother were frozen in shock hendery tried to ask the guards what was going on and one of them responded saying xiaojun's work has touched the royal families heart xiaojun will be married to the 2nd prince. Before anyone could do anything they dragged me off leaving behind my family crying I looked into hendery's eyes to convey a silent message entrusting him with my family. When we reached the palace I was taken to the throne room where the whole royal family was assembled the first prince ten looked at me with pity and his partner sicheng gave me the same look, I was confused till I saw the man I had treated when the other doctors refused. Hello beautiful he said. I shivered at his smirk I now see why they had refused to treat him, he was the cruel 2nd prince. I backed away but a guard made me kneel forcefully as the king and the queen honoured me and told the scribe to have the kingdom know of my marriage to the 2nd prince. After they left the 2nd prince dragged me to his bedroom and tried to kiss me but I turned away he got angry and pushed me against the bed. You're mine now why would you struggle against your husband Lucas said. He's not your husband yet I heard a stern voice who turned out to be the first prince Lucas scoffed as he got up and said I don't stop you and sicheng. Ten ignored him and said leave I must speak to xiaojun here so he knows the rules. Lucas angrily stormed off, I let out a breath ten chuckled I'm sorry for him he's very spoiled please follow me ten said and I obeyed. We reached another bedroom and sicheng was there with tea and food ten sat down and gestured for me to sit. Look I know you don't want to marry Lucas but he won't take no for an answer ten said. I lowered my head and said I don't know why I'm not that special. Sicheng smiled and said your a liar I've never seen such a handsome man. Hey ten said feigning an injury to the heart. But that's not what matters right now we have a way for you to escape however you have to leave everything behind ten said how I asked. Well I'm the second prince of the other kingdom sicheng said shyly and if you go there they can't come looking for you he finished. I was slightly hesitant to leave my family behind but the 2nd prince was a menace he was a playboy and he used his power to abuse the poor if I married him he would force himself on me like he tried to today. I'll do it I said good ten said and sicheng smiled at me.

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