01| Fuck!Every!Thing

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Loud music was blaring through the whole two-story house, streams of bright party lights were peaking through the windows, and those who should be sleeping in their dorms were drunk and dazed, dancing like crazy people in the house that belonged to the rich playboy in the entire University. It was a Friday night, and everyone in the University was invited except for those nerds who like to study without enjoying life, no offense. Not giving two-fucks to the neighbors, the boys and girls were having a blast, red cups filled with spiked juice, some were spilling tea laughing loud at everything, playing truth or dare trying to spice up things with the dares while others are smoking weed at the back of the house. Couples were eating each other's faces grinding to one another, all hands on deck just to get laid before the semester exam. It was chaotic if you'd ask me, what's more is that it was fucking hell for a certain brunet.

Why you may ask? Well see, this certain brunet named Kim Taehyung wasn't good at beer pong. He wouldn't play if it weren't for the mockery from others. He planned to get drunk and get laid before the semester exam but here he is playing beer pong well in this case it was not red cups filled with beer, it was pure vodka and a reminder that Taehyung was a light drinker, till now he had chugged down at least 11 cups, he could only get 5 shots right and his opponent was no one other than Kai; leader of the basketball team, sexy as fuck, any girl would throw themselves at him.

"Wanna give up Kim?" Kai mocked, standing tall and proud, not even the five cups were strong enough for him to get tipsy. The crowd was cheering for Kai, not like Taehyung didn't get any cheeriness, more like looks of worry. You wanna know why? It's cause Taehyung can barely stand still, his drunk self is swaying like a fucking tree caught in a storm, he swears he can see two to three annoying Kai in front of him, he grips the table as he attempts to get the aim right at the triangle of red cups. He throws it as the yellow ball lands inside a red cup, just like the ball his body falls, but the expected impact of the hard floor is replaced by two unknown hands around him, holding his wasted body.

"You, okay?" the dude asked, Taehyung smiled drunkenly at the melodious voice, thinking he remembered the owner of that voice.

"Not bad Kim" Kai said as he took the red cup, downing it in a breath and crushing it to the ground. "As expected, you lost, see ya loser" The female audience around Kai, laughed with him taking their chances to impress him, the crowd faded to the living room, leaving a few people who kept dancing to the beat lost in their worlds.

"Oh...hey it's you..." Taehyung mumbled lifting his gaze at the stranger, eyelids drooping down as he tried to focus on the stranger's quiet handsome features. "Hey... you... pretty"

"You're so drunk right now," the stranger said, securing the brunet in his hold, a light chuckle leaving his lips. "Am not Drunk..." Taehyung said, light hiccups leaving his lips, he frowned as he stared at the male. Taehyung lifts his hands reaching for the silky long raven strands of the male, slightly tugging it for no reason, then glides his fingers on the sharp jawline. Looking like a toddler who discovered a new toy. "Are you... God?"

"Who? Me?" the male asks, a teasing smile plastered on his face, he blinks as Taehyung grabs his collar, pulling him reducing their proximity, and the raven male's face scrunches in dislike at the smell of alcohol.
"You no God... You Jungoo" Taehyung whispered, lightly patting on the head then Jungkook's cheeks. "You... pretty" the latter mumbled audibly to Jungkook's ears. With widened eyes the ravenette's gaze shifted searching among the crowd for familiar two faces, noticing those faces weren't visible he dropped his gaze to the brunette.

"Where's Temin Hyung and Sungwon Hyung?" he asks, Taehyung looks around trying to find the two males squinting his eyes, he stands up straight removing himself from Jungkook's hold, concerned eyes examining his every move. Taehyung strides into the crowd pushing everyone, earning shouts and curses, followed by the raven male trying to catch up with the brunet.

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