TMNT 2012 crossover with ROTTMNT

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Rise turtles - Full names / 2012 - shortened names.

Donnie was coop up in his lab messing around with Kraang tech. Carefully, he fixed two different color substances together, as result, it glowed then stopped. He was about to mix another in when Mikey busted through the door.

"Wassup, D! How's it hanging?" Mikey yells, entering the room.

Donnie mixes the wrong amount of goo into his already mixed substance.

"Mikey! Look what you did-!" He held up the now messed up substance.

"That wasn't my intention!" Mikey threw his hands up in defense trying to deny the fact that it was actually his fault.

The smell of burning filled the air. Raph and Leo rushed into the room, smelling the smoke.

"Donnie? What's with the smell? What's going on?" Leo asked.

"Donnie, fix this." Raph demanded.

"I'm trying!" Donnie shouted, trying to stop the burning smell coming from the mixture substance.

It mixture glowed but this time.. it didn't stop.

"Wha- it hasn't done this before!- I- I dunno what's happening-" Donnie stuttered to get out a sentence.

The mixture glowed brighter and brighter until all they could see was white. They closed their eyes due to the brightness. The new smell filled their lungs. Then they realized;

"We aren't in our lair anymore-" Leo stated slowly. They all opened their eyes, blinking a little due to

"Where are we?!" Raph asked, not so calmly.

They all looked around, worried what had come for them. To be honest they were all slightly panicked, I mean, it's not everyday they get teleported into a new location. Mikey tried wandering off but Leo pulled him back.

"We have to stay together, we have no clue where we are, we have to stay together. For all we know we are at a construction site in the middle of who knows where." Leo stated.

"It doesn't look like any place we've been." Donnie said.

They looked around when suddenly they heard laughter from a roof near by, it was faint but noticable, thoughts filled their heads.. 'could it be a small child?', 'was it a trap?', some still wondering how to get home, and of course you can forget, the one thought by you know who, 'Is there pizza here?'.

Leo silently told the others to slowly creep up to the roof. They needed to check out what was up there, or help.

Slowly they jumped onto the roofs of the smaller buildings near by, quietly jumping onto the fire escape latter's on the targeted building. They reached the top of the fire escape, slowly peaking at the unknown noise coming from the roof. It was..

Other turtles? But they looked different, markings on a few, goggles on one, they even had different weapons although still weapons that closely resembled theirs. Are they possible villains? Who knows.

As they were slowly going to creep onto the roof, the fire escape made a loud creaking noise, alerting the other turtles. The mystery turtles shot their heads up like they were gonna fight. The turtles on the fire escape all looked at Mikey because he was the one who made the creaking step. They looked back at the other turtles and jumped onto the roof.

"Who are you. More villains perhaps?" The unknown turtle with a similar blue ask to Leo's asked holding out his sword using it to point at the turtles that were unknown to them.

"Who are we? Who are you? We've never seen you before. Heck, we haven't even see this place before." Leo said.

"We haven't seen you before either." The bigger red one jumped in, he looked just like Raph but he was different.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2022 ⏰

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