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Hello. My name is Doodle. I picked it from a book, 'Laura Deen Keeps Breaking Up With Me'. I picked the name because the character named Doodle was like me. Her friend was there for her when it was convenient for her and when the main character's horrible girlfriend showed an ounce of affection for her, she wasn't there for Doodle. Even when Doodle had to make one of the hardest choices in her life.

I felt like that when I picked the name. Alone.

I've never felt right being called a girl. But I've never felt right being called a boy either. Being a girly girl never felt right, but being called a tomboy also felt wrong. I don't really know what I am, but I know I am not a girl or a boy.

Throughout my life I have had things happen to me. Things that shouldn't happen to kids, to anyone. And a part of me had to grow up really fast so the rest of me didn't.

And then, after a lot of hard work I started to be a little bit less like an adult and a bit more like the thirteen year old I was. And then something else happened to me and all that work went out of the window.

Hello. My name is Doodle. I want to create beautiful things, but I can't find a way to start, and when I do, they turn out twisted and bent like me. I want to make beautiful things, but it's hard to make beautiful things when you're all ugly inside and tarnished like me.

Hello. My name is Doodle. I don't really know who I am yet, but I do know I might be broken but I'm still here, and you should be here too. We might be broken but that doesn't mean we have to leave, we're still here.

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