Single Dad - JJ Maybank

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Requested by: clownheadass
Summary: Single Dad JJ lmao it's quite self-explanatory
Warnings: none just fluff


There was no doubt that Delilah Maybank was loved. Her father would do anything for his little girl and she was spoiled rotten by her aunts and uncles too.

When JJ Maybank found out at 22 years old that he had gotten a girl pregnant he was in shock. He always used one form of protection or another and he didn't understand how this had happened. The girl had told him she was on the pill.

She wasn't.

The girl, Tara, had made it clear from the word go that she would give the baby up for adoption once she'd given birth. Abortions were too expensive and she had no interest in having a child. Much less having one with a random guy she'd known for one night.

JJ agreed at first, as it wasn't like she was his girlfriend and they were starting a family. It was the result of a one night stand.

JJ made sure he went to every scan and doctors appointment and at some point he grew attached to the unborn baby he had created.

He respected Tara's choice that she didn't wanna be in the baby's life, but as soon as she gave birth to a baby girl and JJ held her for the first time, he knew there was no way in hell anyone would take his daughter away from him. 

The day he took her home from the hospital was the best day of his life. Cradling his little bundle of joy wrapped up in a pink blanket in his strong arms, he swore no one would ever hurt his baby girl.

Raising Delilah alone wasn't an easy task, but after seeing firsthand what a shit show his own parents had made of raising him, JJ swore that he would give his daughter the life he never got to have.

He went to every 'Mommy and Me' class in the area, did extensive research into the best formula to use and what foods were safe for his child.

He held her every night when she cried, he sung her to sleep at 3am when she started teething, and didn't even mind changing her nappy.

The first time she laughed JJ cried with joy. He'd been swinging her in his arms as he sang a silly little song that his mother used to sing to him as a child and Delilah opened her mouth wide and let out the most angelic sound JJ had ever heard.

He would never get tired of the way her big blue eyes would stare up at him, or the feeling of her whole hand clenched around his pinky finger.

When her hair got long enough to tie up, he bought the smallest pink bow he could find and watched more tutorials than he would like to admit on how to tie a ponytail.

Her first word was Dada of course, followed by Sea, which was no surprise seeing as he took her to the beach almost every day to watch the waves. He couldn't wait until she was old enough to learn to surf.

Of course, John B, Sarah, Kiara and Pope were always there whenever he needed to catch up on sleep or needed a babysitter if work at the garage ran late.

Delilah Maybank may not have a mother but she had five people who loved her and she wouldn't change it for the world.

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