You smiled at the two of them as they approached you, "Pacera, will you stay with your Abuela Maria?" You tilted your head at this as you nodded, skipping to Abuela Maria, who was sitting on the side, smiling at the event you all witnessed. 

Abuela Maria was a woman with gentle features, light ginger locks of old age and gorgeous hazel eyes. You always remember people saying that your Abuela Maria was a woman who never tied to a man, as she never needed the dependence on one. You smiled gently as you sat beside her, Abuela Maria was looking at Constanza and Friedamor in subtle worry.

"Abuela? What's wrong?" You gently held her arm as she was worrying you. She blinked slowly before looking at you, placing a fallen strand of your hair behind your ear, "Oh my sweet grandchild..." She smiled and kissed the temple of your head.

"Nothing, darling, I'm just worried of my girls...It's been 20 years since Constanza talked or stepped in here..." She whispered. You narrowed your brows as she noticed this. She chuckled and kissed your forehead and your cheek before nuzzling her nose against your cheek.

You squealed as she gave you butterfly kisses, "Abuela! Stop!" You laughed, prolonging your last word. La Familia Sanchez had always been known as those who give unconditional love, despite not being blood related. They are affectionate and love to express their feelings through skin. You laughed and squealed as you were distracted.

Abuela Alma turned around from greeting and thanking everyone as her family reclaimed their doors. She saw Friedamor and gleamed before noticing the presence of Constanza. Abuela Alma widened her eyes and held her lips before slowly walking close to Constanza. 

Constanza was fidgetting around, fiddling her fingers as she noticed Bruno's eyes on her. She waved at him lightly before she paid attention to Abuela Alma, "Constanza, it's been 20 years...are you..." as Abuela Alma held Constanza's hand.

"Are you still single, dear? You know my hijo, Bruno, finally came home and you two can-" Constanza shook her head quickly as she chuckled nervously. 

"No no, Senora Alma, as what I said before, I would never have a husband.." She whispered nervously, "I'm really sorry, Senora...But my heart is closed..." Constanza apologized for something she had no control of.

She sent an apologetic look at Bruno, who smiled and waved shyly. Bruno excused himself and tried to avoid as much people as he was still trying to adapt to the presence of a crowd.

Abuela Maria slowly stood up, "Darling, I'll go meet hijo Bruno. Will you be okay here alone?" You nodded, smiling as you remained in your seat, swaying you legs as you hummed.

Constanza rubbed her arm nervously as she looked at the matriarch of the Madrigals in a low angle. Abuela Alma raised her brow before sighing and looking disappointed at this.

"Such a waste opportunity, how about Friedamor? I've been asking for Friedamor's status," the said Filipina chuckled nervously, scratching her nape, "But it is seemed that both of you still remain just like Maria, vowing not to be wed." 

You wanted to listen to whatever your mothers were talking, silently hoping you could have Dolores's gift since you were really curious about their conversation.

You let off a bored sigh, before you felt a soft tug on your skirt. You tilted your head as you leaned down, "Yes, Antonio? What is it?" 

You chuckled softly as you lifted him up and placed him on your lap. He showed a turtle on his palm and offered it to you. You raised your brow, not knowing what this meant as you looked at him to explain.

"Poquito said you look beautiful, Omi." You let out a playful gasp, holding your cheek as you laughed. 

"Poquito did? How kind and sweet," You nuzzled your cheek against to his as he laughed, blushing lightly before he leaned up and placed the turtle on top of your head. You looked up to it before laughing as he grinned. He went down and waved goodbye to you as you did so as well.

He was skipping around and left as you continued to check the little turtle on your head. You wanted to reach to it-

"Why is there a turtle on your head, Sanchez?" Camilo was leaning on the wall beside you, crossing his arms as one of his foot was on the wall. He was slouching a bit as you rolled your eyes playfully.

You held on the turtle and let it sit on your palms. You showed it to Camilo for a clearer view and grinned, "Antonio told me this little one called me beautiful." You pat its small head with your finger, caressing it.

Camilo scoffed with a grin, raising his brow as he bent down, holding his knees while you shifted your body to face him properly, showing off the little turtle, "It's really small. Heh, I wonder where Tonito found that."

"It's name is Poquito, apparently," you stared at the turtle, "And its small, just like you." Camilo gasped, clearly offended as he shifted to appear much more taller, "How about now?"

You laughed before sighing with a smile and a roll of your eyes, "What's wrong with being small?" Camilo was speechless before stuttering, "Well- uh, its not like that- or anything-"

Lifting Poquito up, you smiled, "Look at Poquito, it doesn't mind that it is small, because it is made to be small. If it grows big, then it grows big. What you are right now, is the gift of your present."

Camilo stared at you before shifting back to his normal self, crouching down and holding his knees, staring at the turtle, "You don't care if I'm short? Or weak?" You chuckled sweetly before patting his curly soft hair.

"So what if you're small or weak? What of it? It's you. There's nothing wrong with it, so let it be," you gently stroke his hair and he was silent, "Being small is never less of you, nor is being weak. Even if we cannot deny it, it's better to make something of use to it instead."

Actually, he never let anyone touch his hair, only his mama, yet he doesn't seem to hate your touch ever since you did start patting his hair. You didn't have to know so he let it be. If it doesn't feel wrong for him anyways, why tell you so?

Camilo smiled, blushing lightly and looking down in hopes you don't find his blush. He suddenly felt a weight on his head, "What-"

Your laugh never ceased to make his breath stop. He widened his eyes as he swore he loves every single sound coming out of your lips, "Poquito looks a perfect addition as a hat, Carlos."

Camilo pouted and just let the turtle on his head, sighing, "Hopefully Poquito enjoys its stay while it last. Come on, hermosa, I'll introduce you to my cousins!"

He stood up, took the turtle off his head and held it on his palm as his other hand held yours as you were pulled to the second floor.

"Ah, the so called Omilietta!" Mirabel waved at you, hugging and greeting, "This could be your first time getting inside casita, isn't it? Kinda weird since everyone is invited to go to the gift ceremonies, gasp-" Mirabel held your shoulders, pulling you close.

"Did you not go to Antonio's ceremony because of mine?" Mirabel stared at you, hoping it wasn't the case as Dolores gently removed Mirabel's hands on your shoulders.

"If I recall, I heard that they were sick, Mira," Dolores squeaked, shrugging as you smiled, thanking her for answering for you.

"Excuse me-" Isabela interrupted as she was decorating the area with her exotic plants, "They? Who else got sick? Tia Friedamor? Abuela Maria?" She looked genuinely confused, "Just telling you, sweet pea," as she bent down to look at you in eye level.

"I can grow herbs and rare plants best for medicine, so let me know if you're sick," Isabela summoned your favorite flower and placed it across your head like a flower crown.

You laughed softly at this as Camilo tried to insert himself between you and his cousins, shooing them away, "Omilietta prefers to be referred as they!" He was shielding you, while you wonder why would he be so protective of you?

Mirabel snapped her fingers, "Oh yeah! That's what I've been telling you Isa," she nudged her, "But you were like, Camilo likes a lot of people?" Mirabel laughed as Isabela blew petals over her.

Isabela bent down and gave you a succulent as you stared at it, you grinned as you held it, "For you, sweet pea."

"Thank you, Isabela," you laughed softly as Isabela gave Camilo a look. She whispered to the shapeshifting lad.

"She- I mean..they're gorgeous, Milo, how did you even get their attention?" Isabela teased, nudging him. The thing is, he didn't.

You got his attention.

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