From Joshua's Viewpoint

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About forty minutes later, Joshua

First of all, it’s nice to have my point of view back again. I mean, I’m fine with others having the spotlight and all, but only chapters of Koharu’s POV? I guess she deserves it, but... Let’s all remember whose story this is. Not Kazuto’s. Not Asuna’s. No one else’s. Mine.

Anyway, after logging off and taking a quick hygiene check, I walk down the steps to the first floor. Halfway down, my nostrils detect a faint, sweet fragrance coming from the kitchen. I didn’t cook anything, and I didn’t plan on doing so, so imagine my shock when I enter the kitchen and see that black-haired partner of mine in the kitchen and using the stove like it is her kitchen.

Well, there are two reasons I don’t protest. One, I’m hungry, so a free meal is fine with me (or at least I hope it is free). Two, most importantly, I hadn’t had Koharu’s cooking in two years. Yes, Sword Art Online technically doesn’t count in reality, but if I had to be honest, Asuna had competition on Old Aincrad. Of course, unlike Asuna, I could be treated to Koharu’s delicious handiwork daily. It’s surprising, considering I’ve sat and watched Kazuto eat whatever Asuna makes for him at lunch that I haven’t thought of the same with Koharu.

“Oh, hi… Um, sorry for--”

“Rei knows you can come as you please. Doesn’t bother me, I think. Where’s Suko?”

“Weekend with a friend of his. So since I’m free, I thought I would...well...make dinner for us.”

Once again, I don’t protest. Reason #3 is quite simple. If you’re watched enough anime or read manga and light novels, you can picture what I see. Nicest kitchen you can imagine, the cutest girl (or guy, or whatever) and that person wearing an apron. I remember Kazuto telling me of the story when he and Asuna eat that rare variation of the rabbit in SAO (still slighted I wasn’t invited and that was two years ago) and seeing her in an apron for the first time. Koharu and I never owned property on Old Aincrad, so I never got the chance to get the homely feel they did. My GGO apartment doesn’t exactly fit that bill, with it functioning as Crimson Squad’s base of operations, so maybe we should look at places either on ALO or SA:O.

I suddenly realize I’m staring, and turn away. “Sure, go ahead. Does the real Koharu know how to cook as good as SAO’s?”

Koharu smirks as if that’s a challenge. “You’ll see. Now shoo.”

“Are you shooing me in my house?”

“You’re in the way.”

“I’m barely in here.”

“You’re disrupting me.”

“I… Fine. I’ll go watch TV or something.” I walk to the living room, drop in my favorite chair, kick up the leg rest, and turn the TV on. Instead of flipping on the local channels, I decided to open the Crunchyroll app and watch some anime. Decisions, decisions… After a few minutes of indecisiveness, I almost give up until the remote control is removed from my hands. “Huh? Hey!”

Koharu drops down on the couch and shrugs. “You’re taking forever. Here, let’s watch this.” “This” turns out to be an anime called Golden Time, which I vividly recall watching before. Story of some university guy with retrograde amnesia falling in love with an energetic rich girl...or I think she’s rich. Has to be, she’s too...Asuna-like to be poor.

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