The Future Premiere Wants For Tia

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"TIA!" Premiere darts from my side towards the woman ahead of us, standing still, clutching her head. Alice, Strea, and I approach much slower, analyzing the situation. Lisbeth and Koharu hopefully ended their...weird moment far behind us.

The girl is definitely Tia, but her cloak is gone. She wears a blue armor set, somewhat like Philia's, with the front sides cut at the middle and upper torso, and just above the latter is a purple ribbon tied at the neckline. On her shoulders is a set of white shoulder pads with a long, white cap flowing down from it. She looks exhausted, given everything she must've been through. Coming to a pause, I nod to Strea, silently telling her to check on Tia's status beyond what I can see.

"Is she alright?" Alice tensely inquires.

"I think she's reached her limit, between fighting all these monsters and holding off her future self." Koharu passes us for Tia while my favorite blacksmith stands on my left side. I almost want to ask what the heck she and Koharu were talking about moments ago, though I bet the answer is standing right beside her, and it is inappropriate for the current situation. I hold that thought for later and watch Koharu and Premiere worry over Tia.

"Tia, hang in there!"

"Oh, Tia…"

"Ungh… You…"

Premiere smiles in relief as her sister drops her hand from her head. "Good, you are waking up. I am glad we found you."

Tia looks around, noticing the rest of us, and grits her teeth. "Nnn… Why...are you all so concerned with me? The path towards the light's core has opened. I have no need for you anymore. All that remains is for me to sever ties with my future self."

Premiere denies her sister with a headshake. "You cannot do it alone. We wish to assist you. Please, as they say, 'lean on us.'"

"Assist me? Why would I want outside assistance with my own problems? All people do is hurt each other. More connections only increase the attack vectors by which I could be hurt. I can't take that chance. I can't trust people! I can't even be near them! I alone must undo this abominable future. Quit meddling in my affairs!"

"Reminds you of someone?" Alice whispers to me. For a moment, my heart begins to ache as similar words play in my head. A girl with blazing red hair and sharp blue eyes take form in place of Tia, her red and white uniform whipping in the wind in a sea of lycoris flowers. Her characteristic scowl wishes to erase me from existence, but beneath that look is a warmth that makes me feel safe deep in my soul. She looks in my direction and come forward with one of those flowers, handing it to me with a bright blush on her beautiful face.

"You resemble the lycoris because you have given me hope."

I blink, and the scene is gone.

Premiere, momentarily stunned, takes a deep breath and determinately faces her sister while reaching for her waist. "None of that matters. I still want to help you." In a move no one could have expected (and feels more familiar to me), Premiere draws her rapier against Tia. "I want to help you. That is why I have drawn my sword."

Tia tightens her grip on her own blade. "I never asked for your help! I will handle this myself!"

"And then what? What kind of future will you create once you succeed?"

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