Loki teleports back into your room and notices the doctor before saying anything. "Everything sounds great. Would you like to listen sir?" Loki nods and takes the doctor's place. "It's not noticeable right away almost like a wave on far off beach." Loki listens carefully and lights up when he catches it. Tears are pricking at his eyes when he smiles up at you. "That is a beautiful sound." He laughs before kissing you. "There is no way of knowing what the baby is before they come right?" You ask as the doctor packs up his things. "Correct my queen. When would you like the king to come?" "The king? Why is the king coming?" Loki asks as he looks at you then the doctor. "He is becoming suspicious of the doctor. I'm going to talk to him between the door to hopefully calm him down. I've been told he's threatening to come in here and we really don't want that. You can send him after dinner." The doctor nods and takes his leave. "Can I ask you for a favor?" "Of course. Anything your heart desires." "Can you use magic to make my voice sound sick?" "Oh yes that's easy." He laughs causing you to roll your eyes.

After your maids take away your dinner trays you wait with bated breath for the king's knock. You heard his footsteps against the marble floor first. Loki quickly places his hand on your throat to change your voice. "My dearest are you ok in there? It's been months. They aren't hurting you are they?" The king asks through the door. "They are taking very good care of me. Don't pester the good doctor anymore with your wild ideas of him experimenting on me. As you can hear I'm still not well." You say as your voice struggles to articulate the words. Pure gravel is what you sounded like. "I miss you so much (Y/N). I want to see you. Can you let me in, just for a moment?" He asks as he jiggles the handle. Loki uses his magic to lock the door in place and leans against it for good measure. "Absolutely not! You are in no condition to catch this illness. Can't you tell I'm struggling to fight it myself!" You screech in an attempt to scare him off. "Alright alright I won't come in. Is there anything I can do from here?" "Just let my doctor do his job. Ok? That's all I ask." You say before fake coughing to make your illness more believable. "Of course sweetheart. I won't bother him anymore. It sounds like you need to lay down. Get some rest my queen. I love you." He sighs as his shadow comes closer to the door. "You rest too." "Say it back (Y/N) please." You look at Loki and you both roll your eyes at how pitiful the king sounds. You stare into Loki's big blue eyes and smile. "I love you." You squeak out to appease your husband even though it wasn't meant for him. As his footsteps leave your hallway Loki removes the voice spell. He kisses you softly as he pulls you close. "And I love you my darling." He whispers against your lips and again against your neck.

After a moment in each others arms you felt the baby move. It was the first time for this new sensation and it cause you to make a face. "What's wrong?" "Nothing it's just I felt the baby wiggle. At least I think it was the baby." You say as you take Loki's hand and place it where you had the feeling. You both wait for a few moments when you felt it again. "Wow." He breathes before looking up at your face. Tears rush over his cheeks as he pulls you into a passionate kiss. "We'll go home tonight." He pants as you separate. You nod and call for all of your staff to say goodbye. "I'd like to personally thank you all for your help over the years and with my secret. I'm indebted to every single one of you. As you can probably guess this is my farewell. Prince Loki and I will be leaving at midnight. I hope you all find happiness and live good lives just like you've allowed me to do. With that you may take anything you like from my chambers once I leave as a token of my gratitude." You say to your staff that is huddled into the sitting room of your chambers. You bow to them to really show how thankful you are to them. They have kept your secret for years. They all gasp and whisper to each other about your generous acts. "It's been an honor serving you my queen. We will always be your people, no matter where you go. Long live Queen (Y/N)!" Your advisor shouts and the others join in. You couldn't help the tear that slipped from your eye at the gesture.

The time has finally come to leave this place and go home. After meeting Loki and becoming his lover your sense of home shifted. Home was where Loki is. He peeks his head out to your hallway to make sure the coast is clear. "We need to be fast. We don't know if the guards are on your side or not." He says while taking your hand. You pull your cloak hood over your head and follow him out. It's been months since you've seen the outside of your room. It's dead quiet besides the sound of your footsteps on the marble floor. You were heading to the throne room because Loki needs a large open space to do the new teleportation spell. You cross the threshold of the throne room and are pulled from Loki's grip. You are pulled back by your cloak causing your hood to fall. Next fingers are tightly tangled into your hair causing you to yelp from pain. "Not so sick now dearest." The king's words dripping with venom. "Don't hurt her! She's with child!" Loki growls as his hands glow green. "What?" The king breathes as he jerks you around to face him. He slowly pulls your cloak to the side to expose your very pregnant belly. He looks up at you with disgust. "How could you?!? How could you betray me like this? After I gave you everything you wanted!" He shouts while thrashing you around. "How did you know we'd be here?" "I noticed all your staff heading to your room. I listened against the door. Answer my question you whore!" He barks as his grip becomes tighter and more painful. "Because I never loved you. Now let me go." You whimper as you try to claw at his hand. Your staff can hear the commotion and they come to your aid. "Neither did we! Down with the tyrant!" They scream before surrounding the king causing him to let you go. You run to Loki's arms as you watch your people evoke their revenge after years of the king's rule. "Leave now my queen. We can handle it from here. Many blessings to you both." Your advisor says as she fixes your cloak and hood. "Many blessings to you. Thank you so much." You pull her into a hug before turning to Loki. "Let's go home."

After the green shimmer fades you find yourself in a beautiful garden. There is a little table with a woman sitting at it. "Hello my dear. Welcome home. My name is Frigga but you can just call me mom." She says with open arms. Before you can react she pulls you into the warmest hug you've ever received. "Hello mom. I'm (Y/N)." You giggle as she gently places a section of hair behind your ear. "Let's have some tea and get to know each other." Loki helps you take off your cloak and helps you sit. "Oh goodness I didn't expect you to be this far along." "I'm not. Loki and my old doctor say I'm showing this much because the baby is part Jotun. How far along am I my love?" "About 4 months." He says as he places his hand on your thigh. "Oh that makes sense." She hums as she pours you some tea. "Well we are excited for both new additions to the family." "Thank you for welcoming me. I know I'm not the most ideal choice because of my past. I hope I can live up to the family expectations." "I'm going to stop that nonsense right here and now. Your past is nonexistent here. My son loves you and you love my son that's all that matters. Now let's have some cake."

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