cute things they do

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Jason Voorhees
He likes to pick you flowers and put them in your hair, he loves your hair. It doesn't matter what it looks like he loves it he usually attempts to tie your hair up but he's not that good so you just let him brush it for you, he tries his hardest to be gentle when doing it and He likes to find things to put in your hair

Norman bates
Everything like everything this man does is adorable doesn't matter what it is, he always makes it seem adorable

Michael Myers (2008)
He likes to pick you flowers or give you candy whenever your sad sometimes if he sees your really sad he lets you cling onto him while cuddling

Freddy Krueger (2010)
He likes to cling onto you while you do things like just randomly he'll come to you and cling onto you like he does not care he'll cling onto you no matter what he's done it while you were cooking once and you got burnt and ended up hitting him with a plate so that's the only time he doesn't unless your just finishing it

Billy and Stu
They like to have a girls night with you every Friday, you guys do face masks, makeup, skincare and they even let you paint there nails with you.

Gives you random pieces of jewelry he finds laying around, you don't know where he gets them but he's always finding some and whenever he does find any he either makes something with it for you or he just gives it to you

Nothing well kinda, he does like to climb into your lap and let you cuddle him if he's worn out or just in a shitty mood, he never likes to admit it tho be he does love you alot

Thomas Hewitt
He likes to collect little bugs cause their not afraid of him like animals, they don't run away from him or bite well at least not yet. He loves collecting ladybugs but you have to remind him that he can't keep them so he made a area for bugs to be and now Whenever he wants to see bugs he goes there

Bubba Sawyer
He makes you things out of bones, usually it's animal bones since he doesn't know what you'd think if he gave you human bones so he just uses animal bones

He brings you toys he think you might like there usually from the kids he killed but he doesn't let you know well most of the time but you eventually find out

Bo Sinclair
He takes you out on late night drives sometimes, he usually does it when one of you are stressed although he doesn't talk to you while hes driving he usually has one of his hands either on your thigh or hand

Lester Sinclair
He gives you animals he finds, dont worry there not dead. He usually brings back hurt ones for the both of you to help.

Vincent Sinclair
Sometimes when he's painting or doing art and he's in a playful mood he puts paint on you and it usually turns into a full paint fight. That usually ends with both of you covered in paint most of the time you guys shower after but there is a rare occasion were you both cuddle despite being covered in paint

You bitches better be proud cuz like I got covid yet im still writing for you simps

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