they ask you out

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Jason Voorhees
He was such a gentleman, he found you the most beautiful wildflowers and decided to ask you out while you were walking around the lake and admiring the view

Norman bates
Poor baby was too nervous too at first but he eventually did, he bought you flowers and gave you a necklace with a heart on it

Michael Myers (2008)
He asked you while you were helping him when he was hurt

Freddy Krueger (2010)
This bitch didn't ask you just said your his girlfriend now

Billy and Stu
Stu asked you first then Billy got jealous so he asked you aswell they both fought over you but you chose to be with them both

Hannibal lector
You were laying on the couch when he came in with breakfast and then asked you as you were sitting in his lap eating

Basically the same as Freddy

Thomas Hewitt
You were helping him with cutting up a victim, once you were done he helped you clean yourself up and that's when he said it

Bubba Sawyers
He asked you while you were laying on his chest

He didn't he just started treating you like a princess

Bo Sinclair
He was convinced by his brothers to ask you out so he did while you were helping him with his hangover

Lester Sinclair
He asked you while you were out looking for roadkill together

Vincent Sinclair
He asked you the moment you asked to see his art

A/n: this one is the most shit one I've written so far

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