{insert clever title here}

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first chapter of a new story!!!! YAY!! anyways. I already started the next chapter, that should be up sooner rather than later. please vote/comment

Trust me the writing improves greatly from the next two chapters. I haven't gotten around to rewriting yet.


The lone figure stood staring across the frozen desert. Flat white plain for as far as the eye could see. The sun was a light blur in the grey sky, the horizon blurred. Antarctica was an easy continent to get lost on.

At least Aris hoped she wasn't lost. She had checked and double checked the coordinates. Supposedly, the group she was supposed to join was located right here. but there was nothing here. except a barren empty wasteland.

A slight yawn escaped her lips and she kneelled, suddenly realizing how exhausted she was. Slumping sideways, she rolled her shoulders under her parka and fell asleep. She could look in the morning. If she could figure out what to look for.


"CAAARRRRRTTTTTEEERRRRRR!!!" Taron's voice rang through Carter's brain. The fifteen year old only used a tone like that for important things. Like that Carter had let the microwave run even though it was down to two point seven three seconds between popcorn pops. Or that he had left a window of his stuff open on the computer that Taron wanted to use. In all honesty, Carter didn't care what had upset Taron so much.

It was out of mere courtesy that the tall, blond teen stepped through the narrow doorway to the computer room that was Taron's haunt. The ebony haired fifteen year old was reclined in a black office chair, the light from fifteen monitors bathed him in a eerie whiteness. His almond eyes had an intelligent glint that marked him as crafty rather than wise like Carter.

"what Taron." Carter sighed. His impatience obvious. Taron had interrupted him in the middle of a training session in the gym.

"Carter... there's someone out there.." Taron's voice had a childish whine to it.

"Really? maybe its just a stray penguin... got any surveillance on it?" Carter massaged his temples. He didn't need another false alarm.

"yes. I do have visuals. and last time i checked, Penguins don't wear boots and parkas." Taron switched a screen to show a grainy picture of a dark blur on the ice. a trail of footsteps, showing that the blur had paced the ice quite a bit. "I first picked it up half an hour ago. I finally got hi enough res. to see that it's a person. Might want to check it out seeing as it's right overhead."

"Alright. thanks for telling me." Carter was impressed. Taron had actually interrupted him for a decent reason. He pulled on a parka, thick boots, and gloves. Despite being the middle of march, it was cold, Antarctica was always cold outside. That was why they lived in a state-of-the-art biosphere fifteen feet below the ice surface. Inside the hemisphere, it was warm and pleasant. They had a hydroponic garden, waste-free energy system, and nearly everything else a young person could want.

"Where are you going?" A girl's voice said. Petra appeared next to him. He wasn't surprised. She had a tendency to wander around invisible. She was the youngest here at thirteen.

"outside." Carter grunted.

"Why? can i come? Pretty pleeaasseee??" She begged. She was exceptionally immature and hyper.

"There is someone out there, and no. because I said so." The seventeen year old was getting impatient. He shoved past her and hurried up the ladder to the hidden entrance to the outside.

Immediately, he felt his skin numb. The wind whipped particles of ice through the air, scathing his cheeks. He mentally shrugged it off, walking stiffly to the dark lump, he leaned over and rolled it sideways. It was a girl. And a very peculiar one at that.



what do you think?

yes, they are young superheros. XD I will post more soon.

picture on the side is my drawing of carter

I'll probably think of a title a little later.

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