
Start from the beginning

"I don't mind Daddy." He then teases, making my cheeks flush a deep shade of red and sear from utter embarrassment. "W-well, I'm not sure I'll still be calling you that either. I think I'll just stick to Namjoon until I figure out what I would like to call you; what name suits you best."

His smirk disappeared, instead replaced with a sad smile. "That's fine too. I'm sorry, I just wanted to have a bit of fun with you and put you at ease." He kissed the back of my hand. "I know this will take some getting used to, and that this all must be so much information to digest. But I'm here to help you adjust, for as long as it takes. I want you to know that you're in no rush, and you don't need to worry about figuring things out right away. Our love will make that easy for us, and we have forever together. As long as we're together, nothing can harm us. And if it does, we will deal with it. Together."

"I appreciate that, so much more than you know."

"Like I've always told you, anything for you, my little princess. I mean that. So, since you know the truth now, do you have any other questions for me? Or anything else you'd like to know to help ease you?"

"Well, I've always kind of wanted to know if you can turn into a dragon?"

At my question, Namjoon puffs out his chest proudly. "I can," he replies eagerly.

"Ooh, will you show me?"

"Are you sure you really want to see? I can be quite fearful in dragon form, and although the beast inside me is screaming to be let out as I would love to show off to you, my little mate, I don't want to scare you or hurt you."

"Oh, that's okay then. Maybe you can show me some other time?" I ask, desperately hoping he would say yes.

He nodded. "Eventually I will show you when we're both ready. I promise that. Believe me, I do, because I would love to show off to you." He then says. "Believe me. Is there anything else you'd like to know?"

"Well, I'm not trying to be impolite by asking this, but I'm asking because you're the king...and when Yoongi taught me about monarchies, he explained that every kingdom has a hierarchy, and talked about crime and punishment. You know, crime, punishment, pride, prejudice, things like that. So I guess I'm curious if you've ever executed anyone before? Anyone besides my parents, I mean, just for like...I don't know, extenuating crimes and all that."

Namjoon sighed. "To be fully honest with you, again, I'm not sure you're going to like this answer, but yes. I've killed people besides your parents. I try not to if I don't have to, but you know, my anger becomes multiplied because of my animalistic tendencies. I will say, though, all of the ones I've killed were not innocent. They deserved everything they got. Only a few were actually innocent, as they were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time and fighting for the wrong side. But otherwise, I have never killed an innocent being who did not otherwise deserve death."

"Oh. I see. That's a fair answer."

"...Do you resent me more now because of what I just told you?"

"No, I understand. You're the king, the leader, and leaders have to show the consequences for poor choices, right?" I ask rhetorically, only making him smile as he nods.

Namjoon was so glad that you seemed to understand things from his perspective, as that was exactly how he tended to look at it. You really had matured into a fine young woman, and Namjoon also liked that you now seemed to truly process that you had to pay your dues when you made a poor decision in life.

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