Nagaro:Yorktown is a acceptable leader,it is no wonder why she is the legitimate leader of the Eagle Union,Hornet is viable but still seems inexperienced,Enterprise is too distrusting towards those outside her faction and is always keen to turn them away,Cleveland is the next viable option as leader after Hornet

Ladon:I'm not even gonna argue with that answer,your Enty is different from mine,my Enty is a bit brash but she wouldn't turn people away

Nagaro:mmmm,very different people then

Ladon:mine is better

Seere:for all of us,@Wonshen asks for the last time,"How would all you react if the orochi gained a shipboy form and decided to fight his siren creators and joined azur lane? Would you accept him and let him join, let him fight the sirens by himself or kill him first chance you get?"

Berlin:kill him

Nagaro:kill him

Freedom:I'd kill him BUT if he proves himself to be good before that,then I'd reconsider

Royal:kill him

Ladon:if he's a threat then he dies,if he joins and acts nicely then sure why not let him live,everyone deserves a chance

Blitz:kill him

King:see if he is worth keeping around

Em:judgement will come when their actions are judged,he may live if he poses no threat

Shadow:hard to say,I was once very curious about the Orochi that I even studied it,I would at least see the pro's and con's

Nagaro:you're choice is risky

Shadow:I currently house 2 High Class Sirens and soon to be 4,including the Arbiter:Empress,adding one more shouldn't be a problem

Ladon:I'm not going to bother asking more about that since I'm not gonna remember,or will I since I stay here now..............................meh,I don't care

Seere:this one is from @RiversUnknowN ,"Nagaro,How hard was it to leave the Sakura Empire?"

Nagaro:it was a difficult decision was necessary to ensure the future of humanity

Berlin:tough break

Royal:next up is from @Sgt_Jibz who asks "I might ask the same question I gave tide before so questions if u guys met other oc's what's your reaction etc."

Em:I believe I speak for all of us when I say that our reactions may vary depending on what the OC is like

Seere:agreed,can't expect them all to be nice

Freedom:next one is from a super weird name,named @FranztelAimierBeale ,he asks "I have a question for the peacekeeper class do guys consider the shota squad as your little brothers?"



Em:I think even TIde would say no

Ladon:another one from the same guy asks,"For the shota squad if you were given a choice would you save your lovers? Or your sister's you can only save one or the other"




Freedom:choices are restrictions and restrictions restrict freedom so screw the choices,I pick both

Berlin:how childish

Freedom:it may be childish but I get the best of both worlds

Nagaro:it is never a guarantee to be able to save both,at some point,one lives,one dies

Royal:the option of both is never something that is appealing,when you choose it,you have the chance to save both but risk losing both as well

Freedom:heh,doesn't matter to Me,besides,if the world won't let Me pick both,then I'll just break the world to break the rules

like a similar instance in the past,the world began glitching as errors fragments appeared and disappeared while Freedom held a decent sized,unnerving smile on his face as the world returned to normal and the glitches disappeared 

Ladon:heh,we have another glitcher

Shadow:I'm not surprised anymore

Seere;Moving past that,we have another one from the @FranztelAimierBeale who asks,"For the peacekeepers which sirens do you hate the most?"

Blitz:we do not hate Sirens individually,we hate them in general,no more,no less

Shadow:and the last question comes from @Sgt_Jibz who asks"king would you like to have some tea and biscuits if u met my oc"

King:sure why not,Tea and Biscuits are always enjoyed better with company

Ladon:fastoutrobymesoeveryonecanleaveasoonaspossiblego BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Everyone Out

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