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Words : 1155

Although Alfred was popular, he always kept to himself. He never likes to hurt others, but would rather act like the savior of the school. Before he could remember, his Mom had always told him to be kind to others, and if they were getting bullied by others to go save them like the hero he was.

So, when Alfred F. Jones, the jock of the normal American Highschool, saw Romano Vargas, the loner punk kid, being harassed by some of the other popular kids, he made a move.

It wasn't a weird sight to behold. The popular kids, consisting of the Seniors and Juniors of the little American Highschool, getting told off by the blonde beauty.

"Hey guys." Alfred said, walking up to James who was the leader of the group.
"Ugh. Again? Seriously dude, we just wanted to knock some sense into this Italian."
"And what's so wrong about this guy? He was just trying to enjoy his lunch, yet, you guys come running in to harass him."
Alfred gave a look to James and his squad. It reminded the group of the last time they fought Alfred. Many noses were broken, but Alfred's was not one of them.

James rolled his eyes and put his hands in his pockets, angrily. His so-called friends followed behind him.

"Sorry about that, heh."
Alfred turned around to see the face of the Italian, only to be met with a scowling, uninterested look.
"Bastard! I could've handled that all on my own. But no, you had to jump in and act like the hero!"
Alfred was shocked. Usually he was thanked after incidents like this.

"Oh, sorry."
"You should be!"
Romano rolled his eyes, refusing to make eye contact with the blonde.

"Uh, well, what if I make it up to you?"
Alfred asked, sitting down at the seat next to the auburn.

Romano raised an eyebrow, finally moving his gaze to connect with the Blonde.
'Wow, he's pretty.'
Alfred thought, before shaking the thoughts out of his head.
"And how will you make it up to me?"

You could tell Romano was skeptical, but he asked the question anyways before outright refusing. It could be something useful.

"What if I treat you to some coffee after school? I know a really good place!"
Alfred lit up when he mentioned the place.
Romano looked at Alfred, blinking.
"Like a date?"
"Oh! No! Just as friends! I know some people like coffee and I was just wondering cause I don't really want you mad at me, plus then you'll be safe and won't get hurt after school-"
Alfred's rant was cut off by the raised hand of the amused Italian.

Romano chuckled, "Sure, Idiotia."

Alfred's face brightened up ten-fold. He was so excited that he might be friends with the handsome Italian. The rest of the day consisted of Alfred rambling to his twin brother Mattew about his new friend that he was going to get coffee ("Like a date?" Mattew inquired just to get shut down by Alfred) later after school.

After school, Alfred walked around campus, looking for the Italian. Romano was just outside of the school, a lit cigarette in his mouth, as he looked around for the blonde.

Both pairs of eyes met when Alfred walked out of the fourth building. Alfred smiled and started jogging towards the Italian, waving his arms obnoxiously.

Romano was nothing less than embarrassed. Alfred was so loud and he was used to such quiet environments that this new kid who "saved him" was... How could he put it..? Refreshing? Yeah, refreshing. It was like finally going to your bed for a siesta after a long day of work.

"Hey 'Mano!" Alfred yelled, slowing down his jog while he closed in on the auburn.
"I- why are you calling me nicknames now?" He smirked, taking the almost finished cigarette out of his mouth and letting it fall to the ground before stomping on it.

"Oh, sorry! Uh, I guess I should've asked you, heh." He laughed awkwardly, hand going to the back of his neck.
"No it's fine. I don't mind." Romano winked at Alfred, immediately getting a reaction out of the blonde.

Alfred's face was a burning red as he tried to change the subject to getting coffee. All Romano could do was smirk at the boy. Romano was Pansexual, and proud of his identity. When he first met his star-spangled-savior, he could tell Alfred was a bit queer. Though he doubted if Alfred knew it himself.

"Here's my car! Lady Liberty herself!" Alfred slid his hand down his clean, white mustang as he opened the door for his new friend.

"You named your car after the Statue of Liberty?" The Italian questioned as he sat in the leather seat of the car. It was nice, no doubt about it. It looked as if it was thoroughly detailed everyday. But there was one thing that made Romano scowl.

Alfred had white fuzzy dice hanging on the rear view mirror.

"Alfred. What the fuck are those things?"
"What do you mean 'Mano?" Alfred frowned, looking at his new friends face to see him just frowning at his dice.

"Oh! Those are my fuzzy dice!"
"No shit Sherlock. I mean, why in God's name did you think having fuzzy dice in your car was a good idea?"
"Well I just like fuzzy dice, okay?"

Romano laughed a bit as Alfred started up the car and answered back, defensively. It was a short drive but fun nonetheless. The boys (mainly just Alfred) talked about their day or what they were going to get as a drink at the café.

"I think I'm going to get an Iced Caramel Macchiato with extra whipped cream! The coffee's too bland without it."
"I- wait what?! You're telling me you think that is the best coffee you can get?"
Romano started,
"Come on! You could do so much better than that! There's Cappuccino, Americano, Espresso! So many types but you choose to drink the sweetest drink on their menu?"
"Hey! Don't blame me for my intolerance for bland coffee!"

Romano laughed hard, all while Alfred looked embarrassed. The boys were getting to know each other and both were having a great time.

Alfred awkwardly smiled at the Italian while driving through a street full of shops and restaurants. Romano tried to hide his awe at the beauty of the American place but he was unsuccessful.

"We're here!"
Alfred yelled, putting the car in park as he stepped out of the vehicle, walking to the other side of the car to open the door for Romano.

"Grazie mio Principe."
"I have no idea what you just said so I'm going to assume it was thank you, so you're welcome."
Romano rolled his eyes as he smiled softly.

Translations :
Idiotia - Idiot (Italian)
Grazie mio Principe - Thank you, my prince (Italian)

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