Online Class Part 3

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This part of the Online Class mini-series is unrelated to any previous chapters. It is a bunch of random events that have occurred over the country-wide lockdown. This song goes with the third one :)

Thank you Parkers-In-Crime for your ideas!

Anyways, hope you enjoy these short stories!

PS, when I found the picture I couldn't stop laughing for five minutes


Peter hated school for many reasons. One being Flash, of course, but another reason being that since COVID shut everything down, Peter had to do online learning via zoom.

Which sucked. It sucked even more because he lived with the Avengers, and the Avengers never left him alone.

Just great.


Peter sat at the kitchen table, trying to answer a question. He had unmuted himself and was talking, explaining his answer.

The only problem was that he was constantly getting interupted by something scuffling around in the vents. It was definitely Clint, but Peter's class didn't know that and slightly freaked out whenever that something in the vents moved.

The scuffling sound eventually faded and Peter was finally able to answer his teachers question.

He was halfway through his explaination when a large crash sounded throughout the Avengers compound.

"CLINTON FRANCIS BARTON!" Tony screamed from his lab. Peter sighed and muted himself.

Clint probably fell out of the vents in Tony's lab again.

"Wait was that Clint Barton-" Flash asked eagerly. Peter shook his head no.

"Family friend." He typed into the chat. His classmates began to nod, but Flash still looked a little suspicious.

The next week, the same thing happened. Except this time, it was an angry stream of Russian containing enough curses to fill an R-rated movie. If not for the circumstances, Peter wouldn't burst out in laughter- it was quite funny.

However, at the moment, it wasn't funny so Peter muted himself, banging his head against the desk in his room.

Flash asked if that was Nat but Peter, once again, shot him down, saying it was a family friend who was fluent in Russian.


Peter was sitting at the kitchen counter during a particularly boring English class when Natasha Romanoff walked behind him, casually sharpening a knife she had found somewhere.

Peter still didn't know how she did it- Tony had conficated all of Nat and Loki's weapons, "to keep you from stabbing everyone in sight."

"PARKER! WAS THAT BLACK WIDOW?" Flash screamed as soon as Nat had left.

"Uh no...?" Peter started.

"Then who was it, Parker?!?" Flash sneered.

"Oh, well, that was Emyli. She looks a lot like Natasha. We like to joke about it."

Flash narrowed his eyes. "Alright..."

And yes, this happened more than once. Specifically, that one time Peter was sitting in the kitchen and Tony fudging Stark walked behind him, earbuds in and not paying attention.

He quickly grabbed what he needed from the cabinets -sandwich makings- and just began to put together a sandwich.

Peter muted himself and turned around to scold the Billionaire when Flash yelled out again that it was "Tony fricking Stark".

Peter, once again, shot him down. He was nervous, though, he didn't know how long he could keep Flash at bay.


The most recent incident, however, was during a PE class.

Peter had no idea why his coach made them do online PE, but plot convenience so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Anyways, Peter had moved down to the Avengers training room where he could participate. It was a large open space he could move around in easily.

The class was halfway through and Peter was currently doing pushups with the rest of his class. Coach Wilson was streaming music through his end.

The song playing was "hand clap" and Peter had challenged himself to do pushups along with the beat.

And if course, that was when Sam and Steve walked in wearing baseball caps, sunglass, and matching grey sweatshirts. They walked up to Peter, made sure they were in the camera frame, and immediately dropped into pushups, matching Peter's pace.

Peter groaned loudly, almost dropping to the ground and giving up right then and there.

Unfortunately, be had to keep going, doing pushups to the beat of Hand Clap, an Avenger on either side of him in not so subtle disguises.

The song ended and Coach Wilson tasked them fifty jumping jacks.

Peter scrambled to his feet, Steve and Sam by his side. They started, a random song Peter didn't know coming on.

The three of them continued to do jumping jacks until Peter "accidentally" smacked both of the older men in the face.

Sam shrieked and Steve doubled over in laughter, tumbling out of the frame.

Peter carried on like nothing happened, grinning cheekily.

"Parker, that was Captain America!" Flash yelled.

Peter shook his head. "Nah, just a family friend."

"Are you sure?!?"

Peter paused for a second, staring at Sam. "Yes."

Flash wasn't convinced, but he let it go because no one wanted to actually talk during PE. He also did it for plot convenience.

But Flash being suspicious turned out good because he never bullied Peter ever again. Probably due to the fact that he was halfway convinced Peter lived with the Avengers.


Hehehe i hope you all liked it! My writing quality went down with every word. Oop-

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