Chapter 4 run gone wrong

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It always seems impossible until it's done
-Nelson Mandela

Raelynn POV

I made eye contact with who I assume was Colton and I realized he was my mate. I wasn't ready for that. I still have plans for myself and my life. I have my little brother and sister that needs me. I might say I have obligations. Needing time to think, I excused myself from the room and went straight for the front door exiting the house. When I went outside I sat on the front steps taking deep breaths trying to calm myself. 
Then Luna Bailey came outside to check on me " are you okay Raelynn? Do you need anything hun?". I let out a breath then spoke " would you mind if I went for a run on your pack lands? I need to let my wolf out." " Of course darling, go right ahead," she said. I thanked her then ran into the forest going behind a tree to strip out of my clothes and shift.

I ran for hours until I reached the middle of an unfamiliar territory, I was stopped by three guards, one lunged at me and I quickly jumped out of the way.
The wolves looked as if they were mind linking someone, maybe their alpha. They began to corner me when I heard a loud howl from a distance as the wolves cornering me halted one gave me an almost wolffish grin. Then a big pure black wolf Emerged from the forest and stood in front of me and let out a venomous growl.
I barred my sharp white fangs as a warning to whomever it was and they almost looked surprised at me not backing down and cowering. A deep voice flooded my mind
"Stand down or I will force you to" I snapped my teeth at his words.
Colton's POV

After being scolded by my father I got a mind link from a guard telling me a big alpha wolf has been spotted on our territory borders.

They said the wolf screamed power. I quickly Left the Rockwoods Packhouse and shifted beginning to make my way to our territory. I let out a loud howl after running for an hour In hopes to tell the guards I was approaching. Soon I was faced by Tate my beta, William my third in command accompanied by a guard named Joseph.

They all sat there cornering the wolf I mind linked them to back down and they did as requested, I stood in front of this wolf it was half white half black something I had never seen before but I pushed that out of my mind because i would not let them harm my pack so i let out a growl of warning that most wolves would cower if they heard it, but not this one they did the complete opposite they bared their fangs urning a look of confusion from me.

"Stand down or I will force you to" I said in a deep yet demanding voice. The wolf snapped their teeth at me and I won't stand for that kind of disrespect so I lunged at the wolf clawing its ribs as hard and as deep as I could.
The wolf didn't even let out a whimper, just stood in a defensive position with blood staining it's white fur. I suddenly felt a great amount of pain in my ribs knocking me off my feet hitting the ground with a loud thud, Tate rushed to my aide but all I could do was watch the black and white wolf before me.

I shifted back to my human form and Tate gave me a pair of shorts and helped me to stand. I watched as the black and white wolf shift back to human form because it had lost too much blood, and I then noticed the scent of vanilla and lavender in the air I'm not sure how I didn't notice it before but I must have had a horrified look on my face as I saw my mate was laying there on the ground naked and motionless from the loss of blood.
I ran over to her and fell to my knees. I grabbed her and cradled her in my arms. I linked the pack doctor telling them I was on my way.

Tate looked at me in a confused manner but quickly connected the dots, he gave me a t-shirt to put on her naked body.
I ran as fast as I could to the pack clinic, almost knocking the doors off their hinges in the process. I set my dear Raelynn on the stretcher and doctors and nurses came flooding into the room yelling out orders and pushing me out of the room. A Sense of anxiety flooded over me as well as a sense of shame. You're not supposed to hurt your mate, it's written in your blood and deep in your bones but I did hurt her, would she ever forgive me? I sat there for what felt like hours which in reality was only 20 minutes and the doctor came out of the room

" Alpha this girl isn't well. whoever did this to her must have been trying to kill her. She has three broken ribs which should be healed by tomorrow if there were any other injuries she would've died sir" I sat there head in hands at his words, warm tears flooded my eyes escaping silently falling to the floor. " Can I see her?" I asked in a voice of pure distress Doctor Read nodded her head slightly and moved out of my path giving me room to enter. When I saw Raelynn I broke down.

I can't believe I did this to such a harmless creature, she was asleep but looked completely at peace. She was beautiful.

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