sweaty ass crack

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Light immediately leans in for an open mouthed kiss with the froggy man, and Chris quickly reciprocates, quickly letting out a bucket full of slick. Not just enough to fill a bucket, a metal bucket came out too. It clanged very loudly onto the floor. drawing the attention of one other alpha...

    A man named Keiji Shinogi turns extremely violently, his beefy elbow hitting 6 desks in its path. He took a deep sniff, and began crawling on all fours over to Chris. Light turns quickly and writes something in his English notebook, and no more than 40 seconds later, the beefy elbow beholder was dead on the floor, farting a little as a result of his death.

   The class students start screaming and running away, everyone except Light and Chris. Chris found this very attractive, his anus pulsing 10 times now. Light smacks him so hard his left pinky toe falls off, and continues the kiss. An ant on the floor starts shaking its ass at the sight.

chris x light yagami LE,MON SMUT SUPER HOT AMAZINGT LOVE IT OOOHGWhere stories live. Discover now