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"What are you staring at, Ave?" My best friend - well only my best friend because she was my only friend - Jade asked as she slammed her locker door shut. I shook my head and quickly turned away from Lucas.
"Nothing," I scratched my ear, bluffing, and continued gathering my books into my book bag.
She didn't know about my secret obsession with him. No one knew. I felt like he was my secret.
"It looked an awful lot like you were looking at Lucas." She smirked and leaned up against her locker to face me.
I glanced over to him and he was watching us with wide eyes. My face grew warm, "Jade, be quiet." I whispered while leaning in closer to her. "Why would I ever waste my time on him?" I tried to sound disgusted but I didn't know if it was truly working.
"Yeah," she backed away. "He's not really your type." If she only knew. "You would never last anyways." She acted like he was too good for me and that frustrated me. I mean, heck, I knew he was too good for me but she didn't have to say it. That was Jade: being a bitch whenever she got the chance. I just sighed and quietly laughed to myself.
I glanced over at Lucas smoothly as I threw my back pack over my shoulder. He was laughing with his friends and I couldn't help but smile at his adorableness. He was so attractive and I never understood why I though I ever had a chance with him.
Jade started walking out of the school and I followed close behind. I didn't need a last look at Lucas, I would see him later anyway. She turned towards me as I followed her out the door. "What are you doing? You're riding the bus right?" She snorted.
"Yeah?" I glared with amusement. She was a piece of work.
"Oh, well, Ryan is picking me up so I wanted to make sure you didn't think I was going to take you home."
She was so annoying to me, I couldn't even take it. "See ya." I walked towards the bus without waving or turning towards her. I was really tempted to turn around and call "Go snort some noodles!" But I knew that would be immature. Ryan was one of her new boyfriends that she would probably screw and then forget about in two days. She's had at least seven "boyfriends" in the past three weeks.
"Hello again, Avia." The bus driver, Mr. Clemmins, smiled at me as I climbed the bus steps.
"Hi." I smiled sheepishly. Jade was the only person I was even close to being comfortable with, other than family. I made my way to the back of the bus where I always sat, I was the only one was a seat to myself and I loved it so much. I watched once again and smiled as I saw Lucas's smiling face enter the bus. "Hello, Mr. Clemmins." He said in his low, husky voice that gave me chills. Then he sat in his normal seat in the front where I couldn't see him anymore. I put in earbuds and tuned out the world until I got home.
The bus came to a slow and screeched in front of my house. "Thank you." I heard Lucas say as he climbed off a few steps a head of me. "Thanks." I mumbled to the bus driver as I followed Lucas. As the bus pulled away, Lucas went to his house and I went to mine without a single word or glance. The normal. "Hey, mom." I said as I walked in the door. "Oh, I got a job today." I explained as I left my shoes under the register.
"Honey, that's amazing!" She walked over and gave me a light hug. "Where at?"
I backed away and rubbed the back of my neck.
"Amplified." I blurted out.
My mom rested her head in her palm and sighed. "Why would you get a job there?"
"Well, a senior at school was offering it to people and he said it was a guaranteed job so I pounced."
Amplified was a abandoned pizza shack someone turned into a pretty sick record store. It was filled with every type of music you could think of and you could just sit and listen to it through ear buds in the store. My parents thought it to be nothing more than a teen hang out where sluts and whores met, but it meant so much more to me. My parents have never even been inside so they didn't really know. Only if they knew I went there at least twice a week after school.
"Your father will have a fit and you know that." Mom stirred something in a pot on the stove.
"Well, he'll have to get over it because I can't quit now." I walked up stairs to my room. That conversation was over.

I walked into my room and shut the door while already starting to change my clothes. I put on yoga pants and a sweatshirt as I put in ear buds and sat down in front of the window. There he was sitting on his bed with the green book in his hands, scribbling something down. I smiled as I saw his concentrating face. He was extremely attractive no matter what anyone else said. He ran a hand through his dark curly hair and made it messy. my favorite. When the sun would shine in his face, I could see how green his eyes really were and how the contrast of his hair and eyes together worked so well. My eyes traced his jawline, so wide and muscular. His nose was larger but it complemented his face in a way I couldn't explain. Then something happened that had never happened before: he looked at me. He saw me staring at him. He knew I was watching on purpose. His eyes grew wide and he held my gaze for what seemed like a lifetime. Then he bolted out of his bedroom and I was left there, staring into his empty room. Did he really see me or was he just looking straight forward and thinking?

No matter what was about to happen, I knew I made a mistake. I let myself fall. I fell in too deep. I was strange for watching him. But what made me the most angry was that I didn't care.

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