[ 2 / pyon-pyon ]

204 9 15

金曜日 / 11/03/11 ]

seventeen year old yuzuru hanyu had just landed in south korea—his neighboring country—not knowing a lick of korean.

if trying to find away to thank the stewardess without only simply bowing was hard enough, yuzuru would've definitely be a lost cause if it wasn't for the staff sent from the jsf.

"your foster family will arrive in a bit, so please wait here hanyu-san. i need to take care the other athletes."

as the staff left, yuzuru had a slight reminiscence of how much will he miss having a japanese conversation.


five minutes in south korea and yuzuru had began worrying if agreeing to the jsf was a good idea.

true to the staff's words, he bumped into his fosters parents not too long after that. it wasn't that hard really, especially when you see a middle aged woman and who appeared to be her husband holding a huge glittered sign that spells out his kanji; yuzuru almost mistaken the two to be his elderly fans.

it wasn't like yuzuru had gotten the 'ick' as his first impression of them, no—no, quiet the opposite. but being a separate nationality really came with the expectant language barrier.

yuzuru let out what seemed to be a mixtured giggle and sigh— if only his english was slightly better.

so they resulted to the only option; google translate.

[ nice to meet you too, hanyu—san!
are you hungry from your fight? should we buy lunch? ]

the text displayed japan section made yuzuru giggle, sluggishly typing out his response.

[ thank you, , i'm not hungry !
just tired~~~ ]

[ Aigoo~ k k k kk k our son says
the same thing at this time
where we pick him up from school ]

yuzuru had no clue what 'aigoo' or 'ㅋㅋㅋ' meant but he quickly directed his attention to the mention of their son, cha banchan a name that swiftly stuck in his brain as it has the same meaning as 'side-dish' in korean.

[ when will i get to meet banchan-ssi? ]

[ probably when we arrive home
that child is currently studying at cram school. ]

at the mentions of studying, yuzuru began to dread about the first week he missed of korean high school because he missed his flight the week before. he hoped that banchan kid could help him, other than being his roomate for the next six months— yuzuru was assigned in the same school and class with him.

you: Noona

Ice rink owner: since when the hell did
you started texting first ???? ?? ?

you: Right now,, so stop typing
Do you Remember when
I told you I'll be having an
exchange studen in my house?


Ice rink owner: yeah no shit sherlock
your introvert ass was screaming abt
it to me during lunch -_--

you: That Hanyu Yuzru is
the exchange student ! !!
Seen 6:04PM

you: Noona ??? Hey
Sent 6:06PM

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