Lil half and half

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Also i rewrote this 3/1 times😀

I also i changed up aiden's name to Adrian so you might see aiden a few times in the story

3 kids snuck out there house at the same time too meet at an exact place. All of them wearing black and had a full of them have gotten there a little earlier then the rest

" this is fresh holly was right"

She opened her bag and started spraying the wall brown Black and other different colors.Sooner or later the second kid got there
"Damn you got here first"

"Yup come fast next time" she smirked

"now i need you to trace me"
She tossed him the spray paint and she stood still as he traced him
"So Where's holly?"

"She's coming just running a bit late....Alright your done"

She looked back and smiled big "Looks good am i right?"

Zachery put his hand on his chin looking at it
"Ehh its alright level 2 type shit"
Makayla looked at him annoyed "Nah your just jealous"

Zachery just laughed put his arm around her "fine i am a lil jealous it looks great" he confessed

Holly came running there she was all out of breath when she got there
"Sorry i'm late ya'll leave any space for me?"

"Yeah but are you sure your dad didn't follow you here??" Makayla questioned

"i'm sure he didn't just because he's a cop doesn't mean he has like super senses"holly implied

"Well us the last over 5 times Holly i'm just making sure"

Holly rolled her eyes "move so i can do this" she said.
as she was spraying Makayla and Zachery we're just on there phones looking at some art on Pinterest to get some inspiration.
"Hey Holly?"

"Yeah Zach?"

"Where'd you even find this wall?"

"Yeah what even is this building??"


Suddenly they here doors opened and a man comes from the side

"Hey! What are you rebellious children doing to our church?!"

They all said shit picked up there backpacks and ran off.

"Hey get back here! Anna! Call the police!"

"This is a church?!" Makayla shouted running

"I didn't know he was gonna be here!" She protested

"We just tagged the house of the lord dumb ass! even if he wasn't here that was a stupid idea!" Zachery and Holly argued very loudly so Makayla spilt up from them by going the other way home

She kept running even when she heard police sirens coming.she ran through the streets of Beverly hills hid between trash cans until she got back too her house. She climbed through the window but right when she got inside a light shined in her eyes
"Ow! God damn it!" She yelled

When she opened her eyes she saw her dad and step mom standing there
"Makayla" he said shaking his head


"Where we're you kayla?? Its 1 in the morning!" Bethany Questioned

"No where..."

"Well you we're obviously somewhere!"
bethany looked down at her hands and grabbed one of them

"See! Look at your hands! I knew buying those spray paint's we're a bad idea! Your gonna get yourself arrested!" Bethany said holding back tears

"Beth let me talk to her" Phillip said

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