32- Dinner date?!

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Me and alex were just chilling on the couch, we were gonna be home alone for 2 days since his parents and brother were visiting his family for christmas. Alex was also supposed to be going with them but he decised to stay home with me.

"Y/n would you maybe like to go out for dinner, not as in a date or anything but for christmas yk?" Ofcourse i wanted to "Sure!" I know its not a date but im still super excited!! "Get ready so we can leave soon" he said as he smiled at me. I smiled back as i got up and went to my room to get some clothing.

Ive tried on many outfits but i cant decise what one to wear, should i go with this cute tight dress and a nice handbag or with these flared yeans and the thight shirt.. after standing in front of the mirror for a while trying on both of the outfits, eventually i decised to go with this outfit

 after standing in front of the mirror for a while trying on both of the outfits, eventually i decised to go with this outfit

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I know it wasnt the perfect outfit for a 'date' but it made me feel really confident for some reason. I sat down on the bed and slipped my foot into my black shoes. I walk downstairs to see alex sitting on the couch waiting for me

As i closed the door behind me he instantly got his eyes off his phone and turned his head to me, "are you ready to go?" He asked putting his phone in his pocket, i nodded my head and we both walked up to the front door. He handed me my jacket and we left.

We decised to go there walking since it wasnt too far away and it was snowing.

"What restaurant are we going to by the way" i asked
"oh its a restaurant where they've basically got almost any kinds of food"
"oh okay! Sounds great!!"

On our way there we just messed around alot and threw snowballs at eachother. It was a lot of fun

When we arrived after a 20 minute walk i saw this really fancy restaurant, as soon as we entered i saw a huge white and gold piano with an old man in a fancy suit playing it. The workers were all wearing a beige suit.

We got brought to a table with a nice candle on top of the table runner.

After about 5 minutes a really nice-looking woman came walking up to our table "Hello, would you like a drink?" She asked holding a small notebook and a pen "we got a christmas cocktail if you would like it" quackity looked at me after the woman said that i could see he was signing to me if i wanted it or not, ofcourse i did "ooh that sounds delicius, could we both get one of them" he said turning his head back to the woman "ofcourse!" She smiled as she wrote it down "the drinks and the menu will be brought to your table in a sec!" She turned around and walked away

Time skip bc im lazy

Our food finaly came, while eating it we chatted alot about thing that happend and things that we should do once. He also told me alot about mexico wich was pretty interesting.

"Did you enjoy the food?" The waiter says as she stands by our table "yes we did" i smiled at her "would you also like a dessert?" I turned my head to alex who was already looking at me. I asked him if he wanted a dessert and we decised to get one, we got the icecream. We only got one for both of us to share since we were both already full. But whats dinner whitout a desert, right?

After a couple of minutes the waiter came walking up to us holding the ice cream. It was a pretty big glass filled with strawberry, chocolate and vanilla ice cream. On top they put lots of whipped cream and some chocolate sauce.

While we were eating it i noticed alex was staring at me again. It felt like something was bothering, he had been looking at me the whole time and as soon as i would look back he would turn his head away. Is there something wrong with my outfit? Is there food on my face? Thoughts kept going trough my head, i really wanted to know why he kept staring but it would be akward if i was going to ask why.

After we finished eating he payed the dinner, "y/n how about we go to this part nearby my house?" He said looking kind of stressed about something "oh sure! I would love to" i said as we walked outside of the restaurant

Our whole way there he barely talked to me, something was off about him but i didnt know what. I really wanted to ask him but something just told me i shouldnt and i should just wait.

When we arrived we just sat down on a bench, i rested my head on his shoulder as he put his arm around me. "Alex.. is something wrong" i asked, i really needed to know why he wasnt talking as much as usual. He wasnt even energetic like he always is, he was just.. quiet

"What do you mean?" He asked quickly turning his head to me wich made our heads get really close. His face started getting red and he looked away like that never happend "i dont know.. its just. You kept staring at me while i was eating and now you barely talk"
"There's just something on my mind yk"
"You can tell me, alex we're best friends you can trust me" i said trying to comfort him
"You know.. lets just go home" he sighted as he stood up and started walking
"ALEX" i stopped him by pulling his arm "just tell me whats wrong"

He started getting really close to me and before i even knew it he started kissing me, he put his hands around my waist and just kept kissing. Me and alex were kissing... he stopped the kiss and stepped back

"Sorry y/n, its just.. you know ever since we met ive felt so safe with you and you're my best friend i know this might sound weird but ive liked you for a while now. I was just too scared to tell you and, i just kept getting so jealous when you started hanging out with sapnap alot and then when he asked you out for a date i relized i actually loved you and i really hope you feel the same because else this would be really akward to be honest, and im sorry i barely talked i was just thinking alot if i should ask you out or not"

I gasped and my face turned bright red "alex.. this has to be a joke right?" He looked at me confused as i said that "its not"

After all those months of liking him the moment finaly came. He asked me out. "I love you too alex" i said as i quickly pulled him into a kiss before he could even awnser


Hii, im sorry my break took a little longer then expected and i really hate to say this but i wont be able to post much for a couple more weeks, ive got covid and i dont feel good so im really sorry that i havent been posting alot lately
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