the best time in my life

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Oh my god im back!! Finalyyy im really sorry ive not been uploading for a while, school started and ive been busy with homework, and ive got like no motivation to do anything. Enough abt that lets just be happy im back!!


Y/ns pov
I just woke up. Ive noticed something weird, Quackity is asleep on the sofa like always, im wearing my pyjamas, not my dress, drista isnt here.. what happend- i got up and sat on the side of the bed still confused

After a while i noticed Quackity woke up "morning quackity!!" I said he didnt say anything back he just looked at me and smiled, should i ask him about yesterday? Probally not, what if it wasnt real and he thinks im weird.. idk what to do

(Small time skip)

I walk into drista's room "Drista we need to talk" i noticed drista was getting ready for something, like a date or something idk "whats up?" She looks at me. "Wait, what are you getting ready for" i ask her. She looks at me like ive just said the dumbest thing a human could ever say "y/n- how could you forget!! The party at niki's house"

So- it was all fake. It was all just a dream. "Wait nevermind.." i leave the room to get ready still confused about what happend. How could it even happen. how did i not relize it was a dream, or idk what it was actually, maybe just an imagination.

I enter my bedroom to change and do my make-up. Hm.. what should i wear, i can wear this black skirt with a shirt or the white glitter dress.. i dont knoww i look around in my closet for some minutes untill i find my fishnet leggings. Oo i should wear these with the black skirt. I quickly change clothes and start doing my make-up, i went for a more natural look today just some mascara, eyeliner, lipgloss and a little bit of consealer. I grab my phone to check the time. Perfect! As soon as i put my phone in my pocket the door opens. "Are you ready to go?" I hear Quackity saying. "Yep! Let me just put on my shoes!!" I quickly grab my shoes and sit down on the bed to put them on "alright lets go" i say while getting up from the bed. We walk downstairs

We all walk to niki's house after a while we arrive there. The front door opens as soon as we are walking to it "HIII" niki says in a really excited voice. We all enter the house, there arent a lot of people yet. Niki decises to show us around, after she did everyone just goes straight up to the kitchen to grab drinks, i didnt. I was just sitting on a chair.

It didnt take that long before a lot of orther people came, everyone was dancing. But i was just looking for quackity, i couldnt find him anywere. Oh there he is!! Dancing with someone else.. i was about to go to the kitchen to take a drink but i noticed sapnap walking up to me. I didnt say anything but i pulled him by his arm and started dancing with him. He was talking to me but i couldnt hear what he said because of the music. He seemed to like it tho. So i just kept dancing with him

I look at Quackity whos still dancing with that orther girl. I noticed that Quackity is comming closer to me and sapnap. Theyre next to me and sapnap now, he grabs my hand and pulls me away from sapnap "sorry sapnap!!" I say while Quackity pulls me away

After we danced for a while he asks to get a drink and ofc i wont say no to a drink, We both walk to the kitchen and we see karl, dream, george, sapnap and wilbur playing a game, there are a lot of bottles of drank on the tables and it looks fun "Yo we are in" we both sit down. Wilbur starts explaining what the game is. Sapnap spins the bottle and it lands on dream who is already drunk asf. He grabs one of the bottles and starts chugging it. A few spins later it lands on Quackity. He grabs one of the shots and drinks it. He spins the bottle.

Time skip

The bottle lands on me again. "Fuck it" i say when i open a new bottle and start drinking a lot of it. I put the bottle back on the table and i spin the bottle. It lands on karl, he grabs a bottle but then someone walks up to us. Its minx "Wanna smoke?" She says holding a pack of cigarettes. "I mean why not" Quackity gets up and looks at me "come!!" I get up. I almost fell, i could barely even walk. We get outside. Minx gave both of us a cigarette and she hands me a lighter. We light up the cigarettes. We laughed and talked a lot. it started getting cold outside so we went inside. As soon as we open the door to go back inside niki runs up to us "Come join us, its fun in there!!" "Sure why not" i say while following niki. We got there and just danced and stuff

Quackitys pov
I hate seeing sapnap trying to flirt with y/n- but what makes it worse is that she keeps giving him attentionn.. it might just be bc shes drunk but i dont know. I just went to sit on the sofa. The later it gets the flirtyer they get, i didnt really care that much untill Sapnap started to get a little too close and grabbing her hips. I walked up to them "sapnap what the fuck!" I said a little too loud i think, everyone went silent and stared at me.

"What do you want QuAcKiTy?" He says "Oh fuck off you know damn well what ur doing" he just stares at me and pushes me away "oh you fucking-" he pushes me again before i even finish my sentence "Oh? We're gonna fight now?" I punch him in the face, i look at y/n who's just staring at us. Sapnap gets up and punches me in my stomach, "OH YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE" i kick him in his balls, he tried hiding the pain to be cool i guess but it looked dumb asf. He gets up and punches me on my face. I fell on the floor, i could still see but i coulndt move or anything. I could barely even breathe. I heard y/n saying something i dont know what she said. Right after she finished talking my vision got black, i couldnt hear anyone talking

I hope yall liked this part :) ill try to post the next part as soon as possible <3

Tommy's sister y/n (Y/n x Quackity)Where stories live. Discover now