The beach

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Hi!! Sorry for the long wait

After some more minutes they finaly arrive at the beach
(I just relized i forgot to add some people to the cars, pretend they're in a car)
George walks up to Quackity
George: dont forget what we told you to do ;)
Quackity: im not going to
George: dont be boring! dream will give you 10$ and i'll give you 5$
Quackity: nah
George: you're boring asf
Quackity: ok
Y/n drista and niki are just running to the beach
Y/n: lets put our stuff here
Niki: okayy!!
They put their towels down and take off their clothes (They got bikinis underneath)
Drista: y'all are slow asf
Drista grabs them by their arms and runs into the sea
Y/n: where are all the orthers?
Niki: still at the car
They just swim around for a while
Y/n turns around and sees George and dream running up to them
Dream: Y/n!! Y/n
Y/n: Ye-
Quackity comes running after them
Y/n: oi
Dream: aye y/n
Quackitys pov
Quackity finally gets there
Quackity: alrightt fine ill do it
Dream: Lets goo
Y/ns pov
Y/n: dream what did you want to tell me?
Dream: ohh nothing
Y/n gets out of the water after a while and lays down on her towel
Quackitys pov
Dream: throw her in the water!
Quackity: i dont want to
Dream: you know what we're gonna tell her if you dont do it right
Quackity: this isnt even funny anymore- y'all are just forcing me to do stuff i dont want to do
Dream: im waiting... 10... 9... 8... 7...
Quackity: FUCK YOU
Dream: 6... 5....
Dream: dont yell
Quackity: fuck you
Like 20 minutes later Quackity walks up to y/n
Y/n doesnt notice he is standing behind him
Quackity picks her up
Y/n: Ayo wtff!! Put me downnnn
Quackity runs to the water
Y/n: put me downn *laughs*
Quackity: one sec
Quackity tries to throw y/n in the water but y/n grabs Quackitys arm so he falls in the water too
Quackity: you bitchh
Quackity splashes water at y/n
Y/n: you're the only bitch here
They just splash water at eachother for a while
Y/n: idk what you're going to do but im getting ice cream
Quackity: wait for me!!
Y/n grabs her towel and puts it around her
Quackity comes running out of the sea
Quackity: Wait for mee!!!!
Y/n: okay, okay
Y/n grabs money
Y/n: lets go!
They both walk to the restaurant at the beach
Y/n: we will have to go home next week :/
Quackity: i know
Y/n: wait whats your discord so i can add you
Quackity: ohh its (his discord)
Y/n: wait ill add you when we're back at the camp
Quackity: okay!!
Y/n: oh here we are! What ice cream do you want
Quackity: idk
Y/n: i think im taking the (your fav ice cream flavour)
Quackity: ill just take the chocolate one
Y/n: okay!!
Y/n orders the ice cream
Y/n: here you go!
Quackity: thanks :)
They walk back and eat their ice cream on their way
Quackity: whats wrong?
Y/n: that man keeps staring at me
Quackity: dont worry, he wont do anything
Y/n: he is walking up to us!
Quackity: i promise u will be safe
Y/n: bitch he will kidnap us
Quackity: he wont-
They just keep walking and the man is still walking behind them
Y/n: aye im faster then you!!
Y/n runs to the towels and stuff
Quackity: no i am!!
Quackity chases y/n
Y/n: told you im faster
Drista: Ayee y/n!!!
Y/n: ayeee
Drista: Wanna swim?
Y/n: nahh
Drista: you're boring
Drista: Quackity are you comming?
Quackity: nah ill stay here with y/n
Y/n: if you want to you can go swim with them yk that right
Quackity: yea but ill stay here
Drista: OooOooOoo QuAcKiTyY
Quackity: Fuck off!
Drista takes Quackitys phone and runs away
Quackity: Ohh you bitch!!
Quackity gets up and chases her
Y/n is just sitting there laughing
Quackity walks back to y/n
Quackity: that bitch-
Y/n: did you get your phone back?
Quackity: yup
They're just chilling there for a couple of hours while the orhters are swimming
Dream: its getting late should we get home
Quackity: yea i think we should
George: yea
They walk back to the cars
Y/n: who's driving?
Quackity: ill drive
They get in the car
Drista: we should do this again soon
Y/n: yea
Niki: what if we meet up again in like 3 months
Quackity: sounds fun
Y/n: bitch not you- just us 3
Drista: Omg yess
Ranboo: why am i in this car
Y/n: idk, at least you're not in the same car as tommy- he hates you
Ranboo: i know
After 2 hours they arrive at the camp, they leave the cars and just sit at the table
Quackity: what?!
Y/n: What if we'll stay here another month or something
Tommy: y/n, we cant
Y/n: why
Tommy: college
Y/n: that sounds more like you cant stay
Tommy: i understand you dont want to go home but u have to y/n
Y/n: im not going home!
Tommy: you'll have to, i cant drive a car
Y/n: cant you call an uber?
Tommy: idk-
Y/n: pleaseeeeee
Tommy: dont you need to ask mom tho
Y/n: Nope, you can tell her when you get home
Tommy: okay- fine
Tubbo: ill have to go home too-
Ranboo: same
Everyone has to leave but y/n, Quackity, dream, george, Drista, karl and sapnap can stay
Y/n: what are we gonna do now btw
George: idk, but im gonna sleep
Y/n: okay, night!
Y/n and drista "talking" with eyes (idk if you know what i mean but ye)
Y/n: drista come with me
Drista: why?
Y/n: just come
Y/n: aye me and drista are going on a walk some something
Dream: okay
Quackity: make sure you are safe
Y/n: we will!
Quackity: okay
Drista and y/n just walk around in the woods
Y/n: you told me he liked me right-
Drista: umm- No
Y/n: are you sure
Drista: yep
Y/n: oh- im pretty sure you did-
Drista: i didnt
Y/n: okay
Drista: yk when we are staying longer, are you and quackity still gonna share a room- i mean there will be enough rooms then
Y/n: idk yet
Drista: do you want to?
Y/n: no- i mean.. maybe... yes but.. im not going to ask if he wants to-
Drista: ah yes- no, maybe, yes such a great awnser!
Y/n: i want to but-
After a couple of minutes they go back
Quackity: hii!
Drista: where is everyone?
Quackity: they went to bed but i waited for you 2 :)
Y/n: thanks
Drista: i still need to shower tho-
Y/n: same.. wait what time is it?
Quackity: 3.18am
Y/n: oi, ill shower tomorrow
Drista: same- im going to bed
Quackity: goodnight!!
Y/n: night!!
Drista: goodnight! Love you
Y/n: love you more!
Drista: no bitch i love you more
Y/n: ok, i hate you more
Drista goes to sleep
Y/n: im not tired yet-
Quackity: i am
Y/n: you should go sleep
Quackity: nah
Y/n: y not
Quackity: ill wait for you
Y/n: go sleep
Quackity: nah
Y/n: go sleep ill sleep too
Quackity: okay-
They both walk to the tent

Ill try to post more! I promise
Love you <3

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