I. untruthful statues

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          HER MIND FLASHES WITH IMAGES, shots of explosions, chaos, and death

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HER MIND FLASHES WITH IMAGES, shots of explosions, chaos, and death. She could hear screaming and fearful cries of beings around her, she could feel her heartbeat faster and faster until it stops.

"We're dead," She could hear herself echo, "We're all dead!"

Perse screams as her eyes open to her ceiling. Her bedroom was lightened by the morning sun, the smells of grass and pollen filled her nose, and the stillness of the air was almost unsettling. Her panting was the only thing that broke the silence in her room; it was only a dream.

She wiped the drip of sweat off of her forehead and sat herself up, leaning her head to her bed frame of flowers. She whimpered as her dark eyes teared up a little, just wanting some company.

"Oh, damn it," She cursed herself, getting out of bed.

Her home was a cottage, filling with stone and wood. It was a quiet life, an isolated one, but it was a life that Perse was willing to surrender to.

As a routine, she puts a pot of water hanging above the flame outside, she waits for the water to boil with getting her jar of coffee grounds from the counter of her kitchen.

Heading her way back outside, she sees heard the trees beside her rush wildly. Perse puts the coffee grounds down on a wooden table and slowly walks toward the noise.

She quickly gasped in shock, seeing a brown bear roar in pain, running toward the woman with an urge. The brunette only stood her hand out, signaling for the animal to stop, and with the golden glow from her eyes, the bear stands on its hind legs roaring once again, right in front of her.

Seeing the animal was once calm, she goes up to the bear and pets its snout. "What's the matter?"

Hearing the bear growl, her head snaps toward the direction where the bear ran to. Her legs quickly went up the pace and sprinted toward the distress. She runs as fast as she could, running away from her light home and into the dark outer regions of the forest.

Perse stopped herself when seeing a baby cub on the ground, growling and hollering for its mother. The woman makes her way toward the bear, seeing as it had been attacked by a punctured small hole toward the chest — a BB gun bullet.

"It's okay," She says, as its eyes looked at her in fear, "You'll be fine."

Her hand soft flicked toward the animal, having its body be held with soft petal flowers, and not hard rock and soil. Instead of thrashing and roaring, the bear remained calm and let the woman near it, having its full trust in her.

"It'll be okay... You can let go, now."

Her hand rested on the bear-caved chest, feeling the blood pour into her hand. Her heart fell dark for the cub, she couldn't imagine the misery it was in, the pain of a bullet to the chest and dying little by little.

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