Chapter Thirty: Paying the Price

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It had been at least a month since Anastasia's confrontation with Dumbledore. In that time, she had met up with Grindelwald a multitude quite a bit, forging fake alliances with the Norwegian Ridgebacks and Swedish Short Snouts and learning to harness her magic and her dark fire. While there, she heard that Grindelwald was planning a large-scale attack on the main compound. Anastasia began to feel less welcome at the camp. Whispers of her dark endeavors and the general suspicion surrounding her distanced her from everyone except Sadie.

She had to thank Sadie so much. Anastasia doubted that she would have survived a day at the camp without Sadie to keep her on her feet. Anastasia reported news of the planned attack to Newt and Theseus. Little did she know that Dumbledore would be joining them. She walked into the tent, making sure to keep a close watch on Dumbledore from the corner of her eye and she could sense that he was doing the same.

"So... it's in a week," Newt sighed. "We don't have that kind of manpower."

"Or supplies," Theseus added. "It's going to be a massacre."

"You might have a better chance if I'm here to help," Anastasia replied.

"No, you need to stay in his ranks, keep on spying for us," said Dumbledore.

"What good is spying if you can't win anyways?" Anastasia retorted.

"We have a chance," Theseus said. "We've got Dumbledore with us, don't we?"

"Do we?" she questioned through gritted teeth.

Dumbledore, noticing her animosity, sighed in relent.

"It doesn't matter," Newt breathed. "We have to scrounge up supplies and other Aurors as soon as possible or else we're all going to be pushing up daisies."

"I've been getting to know the dragons," Anastasia offered. "They trust and respect me far more than they do Grindelwald. If all else fails, I'll blow my cover and mobilize them."

"You can't, De Meath," Dumbledore replied. "He'll kill you."

"That's a risk I've had to take," Anastasia said. "We have no other option as of now."

"I can't do that to you," Dumbledore sighed.

"You already have, Professor," Anastasia scowled. "May I be excused? I promised Sadie that I would help her with bean duty."

"You may go," Newt said. As Anastasia walked out of the tent, Newt looked to Dumbledore. "What was all that?"

"If you mean the passive-aggressive disrespect I seem to be receiving from her as of late, we had a little chat a few weeks ago and we both said some things we shouldn't have," Dumbledore replied.

"What happened?" Theseus inquired. "Does it have to do with the rumors of her dabbling in dark magic?"

"I'm afraid so," Dumbledore sighed. "It seemed that she had another reason for being a double agent."

"So, Grindelwald's been teaching her magic?" Newt asked.

"Essentially, yes."
"Well, all morality aside," Theseus breathed. "She's become a considerable asset to us."

"Dark magic," Newt sighed. "I can try to talk with her."

"She's too far gone, I think," Dumbledore said.

"Well, luckily for you, Professor, I don't believe in such things," Newt replied, exiting the tent.

He made his way towards the kitchen where Anastasia and Sadie were cooking beans in animal fat. Newt observed them for a while, watching as Anastasia laughed and joked with Sadie as she controlled the temperature of the fire, the latter stirring the beans in the pot.

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