Chapter Three: The Fated Match

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Thursday fell quickly upon them. However, instead of dueling by the river, Dumbledore thought it wiser to duel in a more enclosed space such as the Quidditch Pitch. As the Transfiguration professor cast wards to protect the audience, the spectators began to file in, taking their seats, consisting of many students and more than half of the staff.

As Tom walked to the Quidditch Pitch, flanked by Avery and Lestrange, they asked him "Do you think she has a chance against you?"

"Of course," Tom replied, patience growing thin at their gushing. "We're both equally skilled. This will be a fair fight."

"Do you intend on winning?" asked Lestrange.

"I actually don't know," Tom mused. "Even if I did win, I doubt she would just come quietly and if she won, I know I wouldn't keep my promise. All this is just theatrics, I hardly expect any promises to be fulfilled despite the outcome. The only purpose this serves is to satiate her anger and force her to think more clearly."

Meanwhile, Anastasia got there early, getting a few encouraging words from Jasper, Angelo, and Hagrid. Although, she seemed to have the same mindset as Tom. The three third years escorted Uriah, Juniper, and Mildred to the stands to watch. Minutes before the duel, Dumbledore visited her outside the pitch.

"Anastasia," Dumbledore said. "I wish you good luck and good health."

"Actually, professor," Anastasia answered. "I know how worried you are about Riddle's future, particularly the effect his placement in Slytherin has had on him. So maybe... me joining his group wouldn't be such a bad thing. I would be able to keep tabs on him when you can't and be able to feed you information you ask for and what his future plans are."

"I appreciate your offer, Miss De Meath," Dumbledore uttered. "But I could never ask a student to spy on one of their classmates."

"But you're not asking this of me," reasoned Anastasia. "I'm offering. You know my strength, professor. If something goes south, I'd be able to get myself out. He's familiar with me and once I've gained his trust, he would probably go so far as to completely let his guard down around me. I'm the perfect person for the job!"

"Oh alright!" Dumbledore relented. "But if you sense anything is remiss at any time, you get yourself out no matter what I asked of you."

"Alright," she reassured him.


Uriah, Juniper, and Mildred looked curious as they watched students and staff place bets.

"Hey, Constantine?" Uriah asked Angelo. "Why is everyone making such a big deal out of this?"

"Well, you see... Tom and Anastasia are two of the most talented wizards to have ever walked the halls--or so Professor Merrythought proclaims," Angelo replied. "and since no one has ever seen them go head to head before, people have completely thrown just another challenge duel out of proportion because of them. And call me Angelo. If you just say Constantine, I won't know if you're talking to my crazy brother or me."

"Who do you think will win?" asked Juniper.

"Hmm... I'd say Anastasia," Angelo said. "I haven't been keeping as many tabs on Riddle's progress, but Anastasia's got the firepower and the ironclad willpower to do pretty much anything she needs. Not to mention her wide range of all sorts of spells in her arsenal and her knowledge of muggle combat she uses in magic duels as well."

"What about you, Jasper? Hagrid?" inquired Mildred.

"Eh... I dunno," Jasper started apprehensively. "I think Tom's got this one in the bag."

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