Chapter 8

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Denki hummed a wedding march as he flew to Shoto's room in the castle.

"Shoto!" Denki shouted as he landed on his bed. "Shoto, wake up! Wake up. I just heard the news. Congratulations. Bro, we did it!"

"What is this idiot babbling about?" Keigo yawned as he snuggled back into his pillow and Shoto sat up while rubbing his eyes and his hair a mess.

"Right, as if you two didn't know, huh? The whole town's buzzing about the princess getting herself hitched this afternoon!" Denki exclaimed in excitement, but the two just blinked at him in confusion. "You know, she's getting married. You silly side-walker. I just wanted to wish ya luck. I'll catch ya later. I wouldn't miss it!"

Shoto processed what he said before jumping out of his bed and fixed his hair in his mirror. He sprinted out of the room and down the stairs before freezing.

"Well, now, Y/n. It appears that I was mistaken. This mystery man of yours does, in fact, exist." Shota said as Shoto hid behind a pillar, he peaked out to see a man with familiar white hair and a very familiar face, standing like a statue next to him was Y/n. With a beautiful gown on and her arm interlocked with the man's. "And he is lovely. Congratulations, sir."

"We wish to be married as soon as possible." Y/n stated but her voice had very little emotion.

"Oh, yes, of course, Y/n, but uh, these things do take time, you know." Shota stammered. Shoto turned away from them and listened as he covered his mouth.

"This afternoon, Shota. The wedding ship departs at sunset."

"Oh. Oh. Very well, Y/n, uh, as you wish." Shota said with a bow. From the balcony Shoto was on, the man next to Y/n looked from the corner of his eye to see Shoto running back to his room. The man quietly snickered and looked down at the glowing shell necklace.


Music blared from the white and gold ship as hundreds of people watched as the land got smaller. On the deck, Shoto watched as they left him there. He slid down a wooden pole and put his head in his hands. His friends watched sadly as a tear of his hit the ocean water


The yellow and black bird flew over the ship while humming the wedding march. He stopped when heard a voice singing.

(Play Song)

"What a lovely little groom I'll make. My dear, I'll look divine." The voice sang as Denki looked through a window to see the man, whose name was Toya. "Things are working out according to my ultimate design. Soon I'll have that little merman and the ocean will be mine."

Toya grabbed the mirror and he looked and Dabi looked back as the two cackled together.

"The sea witch! Oh, no! He's gonna... I gotta. Shoto!" Denki yelled as he started to fly back to the castle and he landed on the deck while panting. "Shoto, I was flying... Of course, I was flying. And... I saw the... The watch... The witch was watching the mirror, and he was singing with a stolen set of pipes. Do you hear what I'm telling you? The princess is marrying the sea wizard in disguise!"

"Are you sure about this?" Keigo gasped as Shoto's jaw dropped.

"Have I ever been wrong?" Denki asked and Keigo raised an eyebrow. "I mean, when it's important?"

"What are we gonna do?" Izuku asked as Shoto stood up and looked at the setting sun as he remembered Dabi's words.

"Before the sun sets on the third day."

Shoto quickly dove in the water but he wasn't used to swimming with legs and Keigo cut a barrel down into the water.

"Shoto, grab onto that." Keigo commanded and Shoto grabbed a rope. "Izuku, get him to that boat as fast as your fins can carry you."

"I'll try!" Izuku shouted and he grabbed the rope and started to pull him towards the ship.

"I gotta get to the sea king. He must know about this." Keigo muttered and Denki jumped up.

"What about me? What about me?"

"You! Find a way to stall that wedding!" Keigo yelled and jumped into the water.

"Stall the wedding? What am I? What? That's it!" Denki said when he got an idea and started to squawk, getting all the other animals around him to follow after him. Birds, flamingos, starfish, lobster, dolphins, and seals all started to follow him.

"Move it! Let's go! We got an emergency here!"


Organs played as Y/n and Toya walked down the aisle, Toya looked down when he heard a growl coming from Eijiro, but he quickly kicked him in the face, silencing him. The two stopped once they were at the altar.

"Dear beloved-"


"Don't worry, Shoto. We're gonna make it." Izuku panted. "We're almost there."


"Yes, do you, Y/n, take Toya to be your lawfully-wedded husband for as long as you both shall live?" The priest asked.

"I do." Y/n answered. A seagull's call caught the man's attention next to her and he looked back to see birds flying straight towards him. He quickly ducked down but the birds came back and flew through his legs.

"Oh!" Toya gasped as seals jumped onto the ship, water was dumped on him and a lobster landed on his face and pitched his nose. "AHHH!!!"

"Then by the power-"

"Get away from me, you slimy little- Oh!" Toya cried out as a seal picked him up by its nose and pounced him up and down.


Shoto quickly let go of the barrel as Izuku pulled him towards the side and he used his arms to climb up to the deck.


Toya screamed as he threw onto the white and pink cake, he turned around to see three dolphins and they sprayed water in his face. Toya wiped the water from his eyes and Denki flew up to him and squawked at him.

"Oh, why, you little-" Toya yelled as he grabbed Denki's neck and started to strangle him. Behind him Eijiro broke away from his leash and he ran behind Toya and bit down right on his butt. The man screamed in pain as his shell necklace flew off of him and landed in front of Shoto. The shell busted up and Shoto's voice started to go back inside of him.

Y/n moaned in pain as she broke from her trance and she looked around to see her in a white dress and (F/f) in her hands.

"Huh?" Y/n mumbled but she looked up to see Shoto his neck with a smile. "Shoto?"

"Y/n." Shoto responded as Eijiro barked in excitement and ran around his legs.

"You, you can talk?" Y/n stammered as she ran over to him and took his hands. "You're him."

"Y/n, get away from him." Toya yelled, but he quickly noticed his voice when back to his original voice.

"It was you all the time."

"Y/n, I wanted to tell you." Shoto said as the two started to lean close to each other, but suddenly the setting sun was fully hidden in the sea.

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