Chapter 3

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Shoto slowly popped his head out of the water to see flashing fireworks coming from a floating, not a sunken ship, a floating one! His jaw dropped in awe and chuckled at the lights.

"Shoto, what you-" Keigo gasped as he saw the ship. "Jumping jellyfish!"

Shoto smiled and started to swim towards the ship with Izuku following him.

"Shoto? Shoto! Please! Come back!"

As Shoto got closer he heard men laughing and chatting, he grabbed the side of the ship and started to climb to a small hole and he saw men playing with instruments and dancing with a red dog running around while barking. The dog suddenly stopped and sniffed the new smell coming from the side of the ship. As he got closer, Shoto gasped and hid from him, once he thought he was gone he turned back to see the dog staring right at him, the dog licked his face but stopped when he heard a whistle.

"Eijiro! Here, boy!" The dog quickly ran back to his owner and Shoto watched him leave. "Hey, come on, boy. What ya doing, huh, Eijiro?"

Shoto watched as the dog started to jump on a girl, who had (h/c) hair and (s/c) skin with (e/c) eyes. She was wearing a white top and blue pants. The merman jaw dropped at the beautiful girl in front of him and he felt his cheeks become warm.

"Hey there, kiddo!" He heard Denki yell behind him. "Quite a show, eh?"

"Denki, be quiet. They'll hear you!" Shoto whispered and swatted him away.

"Ooh, I got ya. I got ya." Denki chuckled and landed on the ledge next to the boy. "We're being intrepidacious, We're out to discover!"

Shoto quickly shut his beak and looked back at the humans.

"I've never seen a human this close before." Shoto said as the girl started to play the flute with Eijiro jumping around her. "Oh. She's very beautiful, isn't she?"

"I don't know. She looks kind of hairy and slobbery to me."

"Not that one. Besides, he's a boy dog." Shoto chuckled and moved his head towards the girl. "The one playing the snarfblatt."

"Silence, silence." Shoto called as everyone started to quiet down, it pointed up to a big object that had a red ribbon around it and a cloth. "It is now my honor and privilege to present our esteemed Princess Y/n with a very special, very expensive, very large birthday present."

"Ah, Shota, you old beanpole, you shouldn't have." Y/n giggled as the men around started to clap.

"I know." Shota said and a man pulled the cloth and ribbon to reveal a statue of her in a dress and a crown on her head. "Happy birthday, Y/n."

The men gasped and some laughed, Y/n grimace at the sight while her dog growled at it.

"Uh, gee, Shota, Ha!" Y/n cleared her throat and rubbed the back of her neck. "It's uh, it's really something."

"Yes, I commissioned it myself." Shota said proudly. "Of course, I had hoped it would be a wedding present."

"Come on, Shota. Don't start." Y/n laughed and took the telescope out of his hands. "Look, you're not still sore because I didn't fall for the Prince of Shiketsu, are you?"

"Oh, my! Y/n, it isn't me alone." Shota said as Y/n sat on the railing of the ship. "The entire kingdom wants to see you happily settled down with the right boy."

"Oh, he's out there somewhere. I just-" Y/n trailed off sadly as the merman below her looked up at her. "I just haven't found him yet."

"Perhaps you haven't been looking hard enough."

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