6 feet tall and not that strong

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"Hey hey, have you seen the red-hair foreigner?"

"The red-hair foreigner? Of course, I have! He so massive, I doubt anybody can miss him!"

"I know, right! He actually came to me once..."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah yeah. It was a late evening when he suddenly came to my stall carrying a massive sack of fish over his shoulder. He came up to me so aggressively, I thought he was gonna grab me and stuff me in the sack!"

"W-Wah! That must have be so scary!"

"It was! I was scared for my life!"

"Oh-! Thinking about it is sending shivers down my spine. Ah...I hope I never run into him..."

"I hope I don't ever run into him again! If I- no- if anybody ever went into a fight against him, I doubt they will stand a chance..."


"You're incredibly pathetic..."

The lord looked down at Diavolo. The dragon was already on the ground with his arms covering his face. Small whimpers were peeping from him and his eyes looked like they were about to tear up. Lucifer sighed.

"I haven't done anything and you're already cowering..."

The dragon moved his arms from his face and looked up at the lord, "How am I not supposed to cower if you're telling me you're gonna beat me up?"

"Huh, fair point, I suppose..."

The lord looked down at the dragon again and couldn't help but sigh again. How pathetic...A man with such outstanding strength (Clearly seen from last night) and a strongly built body cowering at a mere threat. If he was hired as a guard, he would have been expelled in 2 seconds with this attitude...

Lucifer loosens his fist. Clearly, he was no threat. Diavolo relaxed as soon as he saw the first loosen.

"Please...My lord. I can explain..." Quavered Diavolo, "I didn't want to rest your head on the grass, because I was afraid of dirtying your hair...I mean no ill-intent..."

"Well, seeing how you cower at a mere threat, I suppose I can believe you," Lucifer glanced at the dragon, "But knowing how...chirpy you're to me, I would have rather laid on the grass than your lap..."


Lucifer placed a hand on his face, "Geez, why can't you leave me alone..."

"It because..." Diavolo paused, "...I love you..."

"Tch, love? More like annoying persistence..."

"Do you not remember me?

"I don't want to."

Diavolo looked down, "Ah, I see..."

Lucifer glanced at Diavolo again. The man looked so lonely and sad...Like how he was before then. A ping of sympathy strikes at Lucifer's heart. He didn't like him, but it didn't mean he hated him.

"Why?" Lucifer asked.

Diavolo gazed up, "W-What do you mean?"

"Why do you love me?"

[DISCONTINUED] Sail On | Diavolo X Lucifer | Obey me FanficWhere stories live. Discover now